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Full Version: Program for measure light output of HDR10+ and DV?
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Recently, I have seen a program that people are using to measure the light output in nits for HDR10+ and Dolby Vision. It looks like this:

[Image: JOU0Zne.png]

Does anyone know what program that is?
(2023-07-20, 03:48 PM)bronan Wrote: [ -> ]It's dovi_tool

I've used dovi_tool but I didn't know it could generated that graph, thanks Bronan!
There's also a wrapper around dovi_tool (and a host of other tools) called DoVi_Scripts:

It automates some tedious steps away, so for example you won't need to fumble with ffmpeg to extract an RPU file to feed to dovi_tool for plotting. (I could never remember ffmpeg CLI arguments.) It can also plot plain HDR10 and HDR10+ brightness levels.