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I'd like to introduce myself
Hello All,

My name is Jessica. 32 y/o Aspie, Film Buff...... have all sorts of neat stuff in my collection and glad to be here on Fanres Forums!
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Welcome to the forum!
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Always happy to have another film buff, welcome aboard Jessica. Ok

Film Addict    
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(2016-10-27, 01:48 AM)DoomBot Wrote: Always happy to have another film buff, welcome aboard Jessica.  Ok

I've noticed a lot of the completed projects have been uploaded to services like MySpleen and Karagarga..... It seems I need an invite to register with these services.... how would I go about getting one? I am curious to see what these sites have to offer, and, I have lots of stuff I want to share as well.
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Hello Jessica, and welcome to fanres.

As for those two sites, they are torrent sites, so you'd need to consider if torrenting is an issue or not for you. As for invites, you'd probably need to be a member here for a bit so folks get to know you and feel willing to send you one.

I hope this helps answer part of your question at least.
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On behalf of the community, "Welcome to fanres!" Wink
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I never even heard of Karagarga before ahah, I'm so out of touch. Welcome Jessica, we're looking fowards to seeing what you have in your collection!
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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Welcome Jessica! A girl in this "men cave" is quite difficult to find, but always welcome... Big Grin
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