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Code: ############################################################################################
### GrainPlate 1.0: add real grains to your clip! ###
### ###
### Usage: GrainPlate(clip, strenght) ###
### where strenght range goes from 0 (clip untouched) to 1 (max strenght) ###
### ###
### Just add your own grain plate, there are many free to download over the web. ###
### Hints: NEVER upscale/downscale a grain plate; choose one with the same size of your ###
### clip, or bigger; choose only REAL film grain, and not recreated. ###
### ###
### AviSynth script made by spoRv ( - Created: 2014-06-18 ###
### Updated: 2016-12-29 ###
### ###
### Creative Commons 4,0 - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) ###
### Link to the licence page: ###
function grainplate (clip clip, "strength") {
strength = default( strength, 0.25)
return overlay(clip.tweak(bright=1),grain,mode="softlight",opacity=strength) }
Warning: check the brightness settings with the grain plate you decide to use; it must be raised to be the same of the source without grain plate applied!
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For those who only have monochrome grain plates like myself, I modified it a bit:
Code: function grainplate (clip clip, "strength") {
strength = default( strength, 0.25)
return overlay(clip.tweak(bright=1),grain,mode="softlight",opacity=strength) }
Basically, this applies a delay to the grain plate, once by -50% and once by -33%. Then it merges the RGB from the normal grainplate, the -50% delayed one and the -33% delayed one.
This is helpful because a monochrome grainplate doesn't really do much to help with chroma blocking. Also, a monochrome grainplate gives an unrealistic result for anything but black-and-white film, as we all know film consists of color layers.
This isn't 100% realistic, as film doesn't consist of RGB layers, but it's good enough for me.
Edit: Just make sure the duration of your grainplate is divisible by both 2 and 3, else some weird results may occur.
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I want to start playing with this script. Where can I find a nice grain plate video?
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It was A LOT of time ago when I got some nice free plates, so I can't remember, except for gorillagrain; some google-fu with "grain plates" should bring some, though!
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Oh yes how very lazy of me. Google-fu should have been my first port of call! I found a free clip called "Holy Grain". Might not be the best but will get me started. Thanks.
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Yep, IIRC it was nice, too!
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2021-02-20, 01:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 2021-02-20, 06:57 AM by bronan.)
Thanks for this! Combined it with the free grain plates at and got some nice results! Uploaded a quick comparison using a Super 16mm plate here:
Those grain plates are at 24fps so for 23.976 films you will need to modify the one line to:
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2021-03-04, 03:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 2021-03-04, 03:41 AM by SpaceBlackKnight.)
That grain plate for Dirty Pair looks ace! Wish the bozos at Q-Tec and Sunrise left the grainy scans alone instead of sandblasting them "to look closer to the cels".
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2023-07-18, 10:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-18, 10:09 PM by Bilbofett.)
(2020-09-30, 07:48 PM)spoRv Wrote: It was A LOT of time ago when I got some nice free plates, so I can't remember, except for gorillagrain; some google-fu with "grain plates" should bring some, though! 
I have 8/16/35, fine/medium/coarse, 1080, 4k, literally hundreds. 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, they were all free (incl. Gorilla Grain).
Let me know if you'd like them