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Need help with Frozen final trailer 3D restoration
I don't know of any 3D Blu-ray that includes the final trailer for Disney's Frozen, and the only high-quality version I could find has the text in Russian. There is an English-language version, but it appears to be a camrip. Therefore, after much futile searching at various different times, I decided an English-language restoration was in order. But to do that, I'm going to need assets I don't have. I do know, however, that I have the 3D Blu-ray from the UK, so I can source clips from the actual film from there; I think the aforementioned Russian trailer also has some usable clips. But anything with text in it, I'm going to need from somewhere else. In fact, some 3D conversion skills may be in order, if anyone has them. And no, no cheating via automatic stereo conversion software, I know fake 3D when I see it (*coughClashoftheTitanscough*).
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