2017-08-31, 09:25 PM
For all our new members, welcome to Fanres, we hope you enjoy your stay.
This thread is designed for you to ask questions before you start posting. One thing I highly recommend is reading the rules first. It should be able to answer most queries. That being said there are still nuances with what we do here that well might need some clarification and this would be the place to get it. We have a great bunch of people here and a lot of good honest work goes in to the projects that are taken on by our members. Please respect each other. There is more than enough room for all to participate in and donate to projects if needed. Thanks to all my fellow site members, you all rock!!!
Okay ... time for questions. Bring it on.
For all our new members, welcome to Fanres, we hope you enjoy your stay.
This thread is designed for you to ask questions before you start posting. One thing I highly recommend is reading the rules first. It should be able to answer most queries. That being said there are still nuances with what we do here that well might need some clarification and this would be the place to get it. We have a great bunch of people here and a lot of good honest work goes in to the projects that are taken on by our members. Please respect each other. There is more than enough room for all to participate in and donate to projects if needed. Thanks to all my fellow site members, you all rock!!!
Okay ... time for questions. Bring it on.