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Trainspotting: Uncensored
Project Info

When Lionsgate finally released Trainspotting on Blu-Ray in the U.S., fans were dismayed to find that two shots of sex and drugs, respectively, were censored, replaced with alternative material. Apparently, the use of this cut version was a complete error (albeit one that was never resolved); the US DVD previously had the uncensored version of Trainspotting. A comparison can be seen here: http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=912549 (WARNING: NSFW photos).

However, the new US Lionsgate BD had what international BDs (JP, DE, CA, UK) of Trainspotting lacked- a brand new HD transfer, which truly looked better than anything previously released.

This project aims to recreate the uncensored version of Trainspotting, reinserting the uncut material from one of the international BDs into Lionsgate's HD transfer. The uncut shots will be color-corrected to match the BD. I tried to generate interest for this project about two years ago on ot.com, but finally feel confident that I have developed the skills to pull it off on my own.  Smile

  • Lionsgate US BD- The R-Rated Cut - the bulk of the project
  • Film 4 UK BD- The Uncensored Version- source of censored shots

  • English DTS-HD 5.1- home video surround track (untouched from US BD)
  • English Dolby Digital 2.0- commentary track (untouched from US BD)

  • English (untouched from US BD)
  • English SDH (untouched from US BD)
  • Spanish (untouched from US BD)


US BD (Top) vs Uncensored Encode (Bottom)

[Image: 1_US_BD.png]

[Image: 1_Uncensored.png]

[Image: 2_US_BD.png]

[Image: 2_Uncensored.png]

[Image: 3_US_BD.png]

[Image: 3_Uncesnored.png]

Uncensored Shots from UK BD (Top) vs Color-Corrected Uncensored Shots (Bottom)

[Image: Uncensored_Shot_1_Non_Corrected.png]

[Image: Uncensored_Shot_1.png]

[Image: Uncensored_Shot_2_Non_Corrected.png]

[Image: Uncensored_Shot_2.png]

[Image: Uncensored_Shot_3_Non_Corrected.png]

[Image: Uncensored_Shot_3.png]

Project Status

Fourth project completed and released! Confuseduperman: Can be found at the usual places!

(Decided to release sans Criterion LPCM 2.0. May be made available at later date.)

Final Product

BD50 ISO - 1080p/23.976fps 35.1 Mbps Vid., 5.1 1536kbps DTS-HD Audio and AC3 2.0 Commentary Track
Sounds like a great project!

The film was 5.1 theatrically so don't see why the LD audio would improve matters...
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Unless IMDB is wrong, it was Dolby Digital in theaters.

Love this movie, what a trip it was. Wink

Film Addict    
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(2016-07-18, 02:26 AM)DoomBot Wrote: Love this movie, what a trip it was. Wink

Indeed it is!

Screenshots now posted of the finished video encode, with comparative screenshots culled from caps-a-holic of the original US BD. Unless, something looks extremely amiss, then the video is finished. Note I cropped a nearly-imperceptible 2-pixel black border from the right side.

Now, I suppose, comes the audio. Shy

Will post non-color-corrected censored shots from UK BD for comparison when I get a chance.
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Never seen this movie, but it's great that you're doing this. Down with the censorship Smile
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If you need some ADR just shout, as a Glasgwegian I can quote that movie word for word. Hahah
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This project's now available! I decided to go ahead and release it sans the Criterion 2.0 LPCM track, though if anyone's up for ripping and syncing it in the future, I'd be happy to add it. Smile
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This looks awesome.
There certainly is a 90's revival in the air and what better way to celebrate.
Looking forward to this, thanks for your hard work Aluminum Falcon.
Thanks given by: The Aluminum Falcon
Can't wait to give this a look, thanks for all your work!
Thanks given by: The Aluminum Falcon
Sweet, you finished it! Thanks TAF
One way or another we'll get that Criterion LD i promise you that.

Film Addict    
Thanks given by: The Aluminum Falcon

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