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Doctor Who (reboot)
I'd like to say I did the same as BigRob, but I actually made it to the end of the Capaldi era and wish I could unwatch those episodes.
Matt Smith was the last Doctor. I will never ever watch or rewatch anything after him... and I just sat through 'Paradise Towers' yesterday.
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(2020-01-25, 04:51 PM)spoRv Wrote: Season 12 is, so far, the weakest ever seen - even more than previous season... boring, unimaginative, not interesting... what you all think?

Yep, I agree with you, weakest since the reboot anyway. Capaldi's tenure suffered from weak writing, I thought he was an improvement over Smith though. Both Smith and Tennant tended to over-act a lot, and now Whittaker does a lot of that over-acting as well. But the writing is really terrible, the guy in charge Chris Chibnall he never wrote any really good episodes beforehand. I don't really like any of the companions, they all seem to be useless and get in the way most of the time, Yaz constantly criticising Ryan like what's the point? There's no character arc in that like there was last season where Ryan and Graham grew closer. All they seem to do is get in the way. For example in the most recent episode when the Skithra take Tesla on board their ship, Yaz rushes to go as well. So instead of what could have been an interesting scene with Tesla confronted by an alien species communicating with them on his own and working it out, we have a scene where Yaz is in the way, and not really contributing anything.
[Image: sNn6jyF.png] [Image: 0sPZMBH.png]
Thanks given by: spoRv
This season has given me anxiety. Unpardonable.
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At least 12x05 was not that bad - in comparison to the others, at least...
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I love them all myself, bar David he is terrible
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Series 12 is over... finally!
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I didn't mind series 12, probably one of the better ones for quite a few years in my opinion.

I've been struggling to stay engaged with fandom lately though, it's all just so overwhelmingly negative, toxic and adverse to change, but I think that's a criticism you can level at just about any fandom these days.
Program material is recorded on the other side of this disc...
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Finished to watch first episode of thirtheen series... as usual, a complete mess, but this time even messier than the others!

Let's see what this (mini) series will bring.
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Yes it is a mess, seems Chibnall threw everything he could think of into it so there's like 6-7 different plot threads or something (weeping angel/"Claire", Liverpool 1800's, Sontarans, the Flux/Dog race, the Division/timeless child, plus that weird halloween monster and his sister). I think they're brining the master back as well, no doubt with yet another plot thread.

No wonder they've gone nuclear with re-hiring Russell T Davies and BBC outsourcing production (first the first time) to an outside commercial production house, Bad Wolf. I have the feeling that RTD has been plotting and planning this takeover for years. It's very telling that Matt Smith who never worked under RTD has already come out and said he's happy he's back.

I think Jodie was just a poor choice as well to play the Doctor. Not because she's a woman but because Chris Chibnall just picked one of his buddies for the role rather than casting someone who truly had what it takes to bring their own take to the character. I don't read much into the speculation about what RTD is going to do or who he will hire, he started out with a lead that he ultimately didn't get along with in 2005, and I don't think he'll make the same mistakes the Chris Chibnall did. RTD and Bad Wolf are most likely going to run it as a business - merchandising, toy sales, etc, and expanding the universe including spin-off series. He already floated the idea of doing a full 10-part series with Matt Smith and David Tennant so if nothing else it's clear they have big plans ahead for the show.

Anyway on series 13, Dan's OK I guess - but I don't know why bring in a second companion for the Doctor in her final series? He has a much better comedic presence compared to Yaz, and to comedic lightness is something that's been missing in Chibnall's era. He had some great funny lines. The Sontarans were cool as well, although it felt like they could have been left out until the next episode since they don't really do anything except provide some comic relief.
[Image: sNn6jyF.png] [Image: 0sPZMBH.png]
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...think that I liked Christopher Eccleston too! Smile
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