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AutoOverlay (PKA AutoAlign) discussion
So this is the script I'm now using. I removed the AspectRatio values as they we're making no diffefence to the following
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth\plugins\AvsFilterNet.dll")
LoadNetPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth\plugins\AutoOverlay.dll")
OM=AVISource("The Quest DVD open.avi")
WS=AVISource("The Quest BD.avi")
OverlayEngine(OM.ConvertToY8(), WS.ConvertToY8(), configs=config, editor=false, backwardFrames=5, forwardFrames=8, maxDiff=10)
OverlayRender(OM.ConvertToYV24(), WS.ConvertToYV24(), debug=false, upsize="Spline64Resize", mode=1, gradient=20, noise=80, lumaOnly=true, coloradjust=1, opacity=1, width=1920, height=1080)\
and here is a render of a frame.
[Image: RPh.jpg]
If you look around the 'cup' area on the table, and the top left corner I can see it's not aligned.
The 'cup' is in the gradient area at the very bottom of the overlay clip (BD).

What parameters is it I play with to correct this?
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Try OverlayConfig.minOverlayArea about 50 and properly crop source clip.
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New build: https://github.com/introspected/AutoOver.../tag/0.1.8
Finally the description was translated to english  Smile
Thanks given by: spoRv , Colek , CSchmidlapp
(2018-02-02, 03:08 PM)random.next Wrote: Try OverlayConfig.minOverlayArea about 50 and properly crop source clip.
Thanks bud Smile

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth\plugins\AvsFilterNet.dll")
LoadNetPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth\plugins\AutoOverlay.dll")
OM=AVISource("The Quest DVD open.avi").ConvertToYV12.LimitedSharpenFaster()
WS=AVISource("The Quest BD.avi").ConvertToYV12
config=OverlayConfig(minOverlayArea=90, requiredSampleArea=3000, aspectRatio1=2.35, aspectRatio2=2.45)
OverlayEngine(OM.ConvertToY8(), WS.ConvertToY8(), configs=config, editor=false, backwardFrames=5, forwardFrames=8, maxDiff=20)
OverlayRender(OM.ConvertToYV24(), WS.ConvertToYV24(), debug=false, upsize="Spline64Resize", mode=3, gradient=20, noise=80, lumaOnly=true, coloradjust=1, opacity=1, width=1920, height=1080)\

[Image: RRh.jpg]

I know the script says =60 on minOverlayArea but I tried=50 also, but it look the same.
I cropped during the transcode to lossless.avi stage. There appears to be nothing more to crop unless I'm misunderstanding you Smile

(2018-02-02, 09:25 PM)random.next Wrote: New build: https://github.com/introspected/AutoOver.../tag/0.1.8
Finally the description was translated to english  Smile
Just DL and installed. A big thankyou on the English instructions Smile
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I think you need to play with aspect ratio and angles maybe.
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And I made a mistake. I mean minSourceArea, not overlay.
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Here is the script up to now And used for the following render.

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth\plugins\AvsFilterNet.dll")
LoadNetPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth\plugins\AutoOverlay.dll")
OM=AVISource("The Quest DVD Sync.avi").Crop(8, 8, -8, -8).ConvertToYV12.LimitedSharpenFaster()
WS=AVISource("The Quest BD.avi").ConvertToYV12
config=OverlayConfig(minOverlayArea=50, requiredSampleArea=3000)
OverlayEngine(OM.ConvertToY8(), WS.ConvertToY8(), configs=config, backwardFrames=8, forwardFrames=8, maxDiff=20)
OverlayRender(OM.ConvertToYV24(), WS.ConvertToYV24(), debug=false, upsize="Spline64Resize", mode=1, gradient=20, lumaOnly=true, coloradjust=2, opacity=1, width=1920, height=1080)\

Ive adjusted settings (a few that are not scripted now) and Its pretty much the same in all circumstances. I can not seem to get a match on alot of the shots! I'm sure it's my lack of skill, any suggestions from anybody would be great Smile

Here is a render of 5mins of 'The Quest' with the script above.

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Have you tried minSourceArea=50 instead of minOverlayArea=50 as I posted before?
It seems that you have completely different transfers so it will be difficult to get perfect result. They are unstablized to each other so prediction mode will not work properly. Set backwardFrames to 0. Try different resing functions in OverlayEngine. Look at the difference between aligned sources with OverlayRender.mode=7 or use editor for that to understand how exactly they differ from each other. Maybe rotation needed or something else. Or they have non-linear deformation which is unsupported by filter. Keep in mind that filter supports only basic operation such as shifting, resizing and rotation.
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(2018-02-04, 09:50 PM)random.next Wrote: Have you tried minSourceArea=50 instead of minOverlayArea=50 as I posted before?
It seems that you have completely different transfers so it will be difficult to get perfect result. They are unstablized to each other so prediction mode will not work properly. Set backwardFrames to 0. Try different resing functions in OverlayEngine. Look at the difference between aligned sources with OverlayRender.mode=7 or use editor for that to understand how exactly they differ from each other. Maybe rotation needed or something else. Or they have non-linear deformation which is unsupported by filter. Keep in mind that filter supports only basic operation such as shifting, resizing and rotation.

Yes bud. Ive just double checked it with minSouurceArea=50. Then I changed the backwardsFrames to 0, which seems to be helping in other areas but that opening is the same Smile
It does indeed appear they are different transfers, I was unsure if they we're different croppings of the same master. Ill go into more detail on that in the upcoming thread.

I understand the filter can not perform miracles good sir, and with that, it's an amazing piece of work.
I will continue to play.

Thanks once again for the time you have given up to tutor usSmile
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CSchmidlapp, try this:
  • choose a frame with a lot of tiny details, to check better the alignment
  • leave the BD "as is" (cropping away only black bars, and eventually thin black borders on the sides)
  • upscale the DVD (which is open matte, right?) to 1920x1080
  • overlay the BD to upscaled DVD manually, opacity 0.5 (eventually mode="subtract" or "difference")
  • then change the resolution (vertical and/or horizontal) until they align perfectly (for example, 1924x1080, or 1916x1072 etc) - try also 1pixel variation, using YV24
  • feed the plugin with this last resolution

if they never align perfectly, it should be as random.next wrote: different angle, and/or vertical/horizontal distortion; it took a while, for example, to discover that The Matrix DVD and HDTV have different angles. But, when the alignment is good, the plugin does wonders, working usually in more than 99% of the frames!
Thanks given by: CSchmidlapp

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