2019-01-28, 12:49 AM
I had some problems with my PC lately and, even if probably I could solve them just buying a new PSU, this lead me to think about others things (oh yeah, I like to make my life even more complicated, technology-wise!
Features I noted that I miss with my actual PC (when working) are:
I'm also thinking to upgrade to a new (read: used, but "fresher" than mine) desktop. I'm leaning towards an AMD, a ThreadRipper in particular... got a very good occasion to grab a system with a 1950X + Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti + 32GB + 1TB m.2 SSD (+ other nice things not relevant for this topic) at half the price of a new one. Points 1 and 2 sure, 3 most probable, and I think it should got point 4 as well, unless "mama" Intel has the only compliant CPUs...
Using mainly Avisynth (for the moment), but thinking to start to use DaVinci Resolve as well (what? an old dinosaur like me?).
I know that AVC/HEVC encoding (CPU) would be at least twice faster, if not more. I'm pretty sure 4K would benefit from the GPU - as well, probably, as 8K, just to be future proof for a while. I must admit I'm pretty satisfied with my actual PC - also considering I lived with the old one for so much time before it... yet, I'm thinkering the idea of starting to work with 4K (read: UHD) sources, so...
- fix the PC (hopely) with no improvement: €70
- fix the PC + a used GTX 1060: €250
- get the "new" PC and sell mine (fixed): €1400 - (€450 - €70) = €1020
- get the "new" PC and sell mine (fixed), instead of retain mine (fixed) with a "new" GPU = [€1400 - (€450 - €70)] - €250 = €770
Now, for the few ones that are still with me, do you think that spending around €750 more, taking in account that the "new" PC will cost €1400, and I'd need to shell out €250 for the needed upgrade, and I hope to sell mine (fixed) for €450 at least - would be "wise", taking also in account that this "new" PC *should* be good for the next, let's say, five years, avoiding an upgrade in this time slot? (of course not sure to have mine sold, nor to get that amount for it
so I should force some friends to borrow me all da cash, now!)
(why urgent? because the guy told me he will reserve it for a while for me, but not forever, so I should take a decision ASAP!)
Opinions, experiences, thoughts, are welcome!

Features I noted that I miss with my actual PC (when working) are:
- GPU HEVC HDR UHD decoder - it stutters, as the CPU is not powerful enough to decode it
- GPU HEVC encoder - not mandatory, but could be useful sometimes
- 10bit output - still not 100% sure about this on better GPU non-pro versions, though
- UHD-BD playback - CPU not powerful enough; not mandatory, too, but nice to get it
I'm also thinking to upgrade to a new (read: used, but "fresher" than mine) desktop. I'm leaning towards an AMD, a ThreadRipper in particular... got a very good occasion to grab a system with a 1950X + Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti + 32GB + 1TB m.2 SSD (+ other nice things not relevant for this topic) at half the price of a new one. Points 1 and 2 sure, 3 most probable, and I think it should got point 4 as well, unless "mama" Intel has the only compliant CPUs...
Using mainly Avisynth (for the moment), but thinking to start to use DaVinci Resolve as well (what? an old dinosaur like me?).
I know that AVC/HEVC encoding (CPU) would be at least twice faster, if not more. I'm pretty sure 4K would benefit from the GPU - as well, probably, as 8K, just to be future proof for a while. I must admit I'm pretty satisfied with my actual PC - also considering I lived with the old one for so much time before it... yet, I'm thinkering the idea of starting to work with 4K (read: UHD) sources, so...
- fix the PC (hopely) with no improvement: €70
- fix the PC + a used GTX 1060: €250
- get the "new" PC and sell mine (fixed): €1400 - (€450 - €70) = €1020
- get the "new" PC and sell mine (fixed), instead of retain mine (fixed) with a "new" GPU = [€1400 - (€450 - €70)] - €250 = €770
Now, for the few ones that are still with me, do you think that spending around €750 more, taking in account that the "new" PC will cost €1400, and I'd need to shell out €250 for the needed upgrade, and I hope to sell mine (fixed) for €450 at least - would be "wise", taking also in account that this "new" PC *should* be good for the next, let's say, five years, avoiding an upgrade in this time slot? (of course not sure to have mine sold, nor to get that amount for it

(why urgent? because the guy told me he will reserve it for a while for me, but not forever, so I should take a decision ASAP!)
Opinions, experiences, thoughts, are welcome!