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After hearing so many bad things about MI:2 I decided to give it a watch for the first time since I was a kid and honestly it wasn't that bad. The action was solid, it never got boring, and some of the music was awesome e.g. Injection and Nyah by Hans Zimmer, Take a look around by Limp Bizkit, and I Disappear by Metallica. I found out there exists a 3 and 1/2 hour workprint with some extra violence not in the theatrical. It's apparent in the middle of the movie that huge portions were cut to fit the 120 minute guideline for the studios who once again butchered John Woo's original vision. I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on MI:2 and this supposed 3 hour plus workprint
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Well I think the movie is overall rather silly in terms of the story and also how some of the fights go down (why do they jump at each other from the motorcycles?), but I will also say that I love the musical score and it's still enjoyable as a flick. I think the criticism comes from comparing it to the first movie. I'd love to see such a workprint if it exists.
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Definitely enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously. A fun movie, in my opinion. Would love to see the three hour workprint!
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I remember reading somewhere that the film was re-edited for home video and differed from the cinema version.
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Not a Zimmer fan anymore, but I love this mess of a movie.
And no way we ever see the NC-17 stuff