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[help] Looking for 1970s Cineriz logo in HD
Probably on amazon.it but we don't know the release date yet. It was recently shown in cinemas after a 2k restoration which involved both the first and the second movie.
If you're not from Italy, we (me and my "preservation friend" Leo) will be releasing an international version of the two films with properly adapted subtitles and a new cover in the English language.
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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Great, you'll be selling it or just uploading to some tracker? Smile
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Selling it?? Gee, no!
We will just "suggest" to buy the original bluray as well in order to support the official release.
Our work on the adaptation for English subtitles will be free, like other preservation projects.

Actually, we have already released these subs in the past (as a txt file) but we are now waiting for the Bluray release to revisit the project entirely, I'm sure there are a couple of jokes that I desired to revise. It will also have an international cover if people desire to print it. The title of the two movies will be "Fantozzi - White Collar Worker" for the first film and "Fantozzi 2 - Once Again With Sorrow" for the second (we found out that the international title listed on IMDb is actually wrong, it was White Collar Worker and not White Collar Blues)
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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I greatly apologize for the 4 year bump, but it's to add important information relating to this topic.

I had found the Cineriz logo mj0012 was looking for in HD. Two titles that have it are Asso (Ace) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082034/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-01-22h26m53s157.png]

And Il bisbetico domato (The Taming of the Scoundrel) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080439/?ref_=tt_sims_tt

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-01-22h27m24s213.png]

Both are available on Blu in Germany of all places, but beware there are two releases from Laservision and Koch Media each that use different masters. The 2011 Laservision BDs of both titles use older HD masters based on German theatrical prints without this logo, while the 2017 Koch releases are newer restorations based on the Italian versions and features this logo intact.
Thanks given by: HippieDalek , alleycat , Evit
When I saw this bumped the other week, I couldn't put my finger on where I've seen it before. Now I recall at least two places I did see it: They were plastered on the Italian trailers for The Red Queen Kills Seven Times / La dama rossa uccide sette volte & The Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave / La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba.

Thankfully both trailers are available in HD and online thanks to Arrow.
However, for those who want a couple frames without YouTube compression, I took a few snapshots from my own personal blu-ray copies and uploaded them to a small gallery on PostImg.
[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-15-13h45m44s731.png] [Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-15-13h46m13s971.png] [Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-15-13h53m30s603.png]
[Image: ivwz24G.jpg]
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These look great, guys. I miss that logo and it's slowly disappearing from existance because that company doesn't exist anymore and new distributors tend to replace it with their own brand new logos.

(Sad update on Fantozzi movies, the recent restorations never arrived to home video. This happened to other restored Italian films which were shown in cinemas for a short period before vanishing again into the archives)
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla
The trailer variants are common, since they're part of the footage and can't be removed if they chose to. It's the animated Cineriz logos seen at the heads of features that are much harder to find.

I forgot to mention there's an earlier zooming Cineriz logo seen on 1960's La Dolce Vita. I've seen it on the Criterion BD and the Italian one since they use the same 4k restoration.
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