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Big Time Action Buff Checkin' In
So I've recently ramped up collecting blu-ray remasters of old action flicks I enjoy - films like Stone Cold or Navy Seals (the Vinegar Syndrome remaster is quite good) - and that got me perusing for extended cuts that I've never seen. After watching the excellent Unrated Cut of Hard Target from Kino Lorber, I started digging and realized that so many of these cuts have never made it past their DVD phase.

Long story short, that digging led me to this nifty niche forum. I admire those of you putting in the work to bring some of these movies into the HD era, and I hope we can have some convos and maybe you'll share some of your work with me. I also hope to learn something about remastering/restoring myself, so that one day, perhaps, I can contribute more than just words to this repository of cinema.

That's all. This is me saying howdy, and I can't wait to get pedantic about movies with y'all soon.
Thanks given by: PDB

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