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Gone with the Wind?
Anyone have any versions of this audio outside of the BD?  My guess is there are a few baseline mixes:

-Original Mono
-Stereo (for the 70mm blowups eons ago)
-5.1 (from the 1998 release)

I find that the mono on the BD is dandy but curious as to what else is out there and how they may differ.
Thanks given by: The Aluminum Falcon , BDgeek
The last two times AMPAS ran it in 35mm in Beverly Hills, it was a 1989 print. IIRC, it was in stereo, most noticeable during the burning of Atlanta.
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There are at least 3 or so different remixes. The first was a six-track mag (reverberated mono funnled in all channels) made for the 1967 70mm blowup runs. No known consumer releases feature this mix, though some 1970s TV and overseas airings are derived from this reissue version sporting mono or dubbed audio.

The 2nd six-track mix was constructed from a M/E dubbing track and the original mag mono, created for 70mm prints of the 1989 restoration and downfolded to Dolby Stereo made for 35mm runs. Used on most 1990s home video releases (as well as the initial MGM and Warner DVDs, using a revised version designed to line up with a new remaster featuring the original opening and ending credit).

The 2004 Warner DVD and the BD use new visual restorations and used the previous 5.1 as a base with some further small changes/additions.
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(2024-07-27, 02:19 AM)SpaceBlackKnight Wrote: [...] 70mm prints of the 1989 restoration [...]

Do you have a source for this? in70mm doesn't mention this at all.
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Someone on HTF who worked on the 1989 restoration said they did a six track Dolby Stereo (Dolbys version of six track mag) master to accompany planned 70mm runs. Its not exactly know if MGM ran them in the US as in70mm dosent mention so, but keep in mind theres tons of other movies that had 70mm runs outside the US and remain undocumented.

The UK, France, Germany, and Japan were big markets for deluxe reserved 70mm screenings of stuff that hasnt been shown on 70mm in the US. Titles like You Only Live Twice and Mad Max, both of which were Japan only, were confirmed to have 70mm runs with exclusive six track mixes not heard anywhere else.
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