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Let's say I have a DCP with Dolby Atmos, for example Mad Max: Fury Road, and the Blu-ray release of the same movie. What happens if I run both on a movie theater? Will I hear the same channels? (Dolby Atmos allows up to 128 audio tracks) I don't know if the Blu-ray (and UHD) releases come with a downmix.
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They should be the same, but home releases are normally near field
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Sorry the same as in intent
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From what I understand the theatrical version of Atmos supports more objects, but most mixes don't even reach the maximum number of objects for the home version. So differences should be minimal, if there even are any. But it will vary from mix to mix.
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A lot of the home ones aren't actually object based are they? Wasn't that on AVS or something?