Updated: 2017-07-13
Hello to everyone; I'm still alive and kicking - more or less
Finally I managed to fix one of my three PCs, and I found a lot of unfinished projects... they range from just video files, to almost finished... now I need some help from you: I'd like to know if there are actually blu-ray releases of these, or restoration projects done by someone else and, if not, if there is some interest in a particular title.
EDIT: as you all know, I'd like to release my project in five languages audio and subtitles (when available); English, French, German, Italian and Spanish - sort of "pan european edition"; with just these languages, my projects will cover a great percenteage of the entire world population - albeit would be effectively seen only by few dozen people!
Possible projects (unfinished - work in progress - who knows when will be ready):
(with "completion ratings" from * = very early stage - to ***** = nearly completed)
Hello to everyone; I'm still alive and kicking - more or less

Finally I managed to fix one of my three PCs, and I found a lot of unfinished projects... they range from just video files, to almost finished... now I need some help from you: I'd like to know if there are actually blu-ray releases of these, or restoration projects done by someone else and, if not, if there is some interest in a particular title.
EDIT: as you all know, I'd like to release my project in five languages audio and subtitles (when available); English, French, German, Italian and Spanish - sort of "pan european edition"; with just these languages, my projects will cover a great percenteage of the entire world population - albeit would be effectively seen only by few dozen people!

Possible projects (unfinished - work in progress - who knows when will be ready):
(with "completion ratings" from * = very early stage - to ***** = nearly completed)
- 2012 - HDTV Open Matte *
- 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) **
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found)
- 8mm - WEB (not on Blu-ray) *
- A. I. Artificial Intelligence - HDTV different color grading *
- Abyss, The - HDTV Extended Edition, LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) **
- Abyss, The - HDTV Extended Edition, Open Matte 16:9, LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) **
- Abyss, The - HDTV Theatrical Edition, LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) **
(audio tracks OK, LD audio to be captured, subs to be found)
- Alien Resurrection - BD color matched to DTS LD ***** RELEASED
- Alien Resurrection - OAR but with bigger frames than BD; color matched to DTS LD *
- Alien Resurrection - HDTV Open Matte 16:9, BD color matched to DTS LD ***
- Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem - HDTV Open Matte 16:9, probably brightness a bit increased ****
- Aliens - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 YAO hack, BD color matched to PAL LD but magenta blanket removed ****
(thread: https://fanrestore.com/thread-1567.html)
- Apollo 13 - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- AVP Alien Vs. Predator - BD color matched to HDTV ***** RELEASED
- AVP Alien Vs. Predator - Open Matte 16:9, BD color matched to HDTV, Cinema DTS audio *****
- Aristocats - HDTV, LD audio available **
(just Italian audio track available, LD to be captured)
- Arrival, The - DVD Open Matte 4:3, AC3 LD audio available ***** COMPLETED, TO BE RELEASED
- Arrival, The - BD/DVD 50/50 color grading ***** RELEASED
- Battlefield Earth - HDTV **
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found)
- Bicentennial Man - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) ****
(video to be encoded, audio tracks OK, soundtrack-only available too, subs to be found)
- Black Cauldron, The - HDTV ***
(English, German, Italian available; *maybe* a deleted shot could be reinserted)
- Chronicles of Riddick, The (Theatrical Cut) - HDTV Open Matte ***** COMPLETED, TO BE RELEASED
- Coneheads - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
(just Italian available)
- Day After Tomorrow, The - WEBdl + HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Day The Earth Stood Still, The - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Deep Blue Sea - HDTV bigger frame size and different color grading
- Deep Rising - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Deja Vu - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Doctor Strange - WEB Open Matte 16:9 + BD IMAX *
- Down Periscope - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
(just English available, second source needed for logo removal)
- Eragon - BD + DVD deleted scenes ***
(English, Italian, Spanish tracks available for the theatrical cut, only English and Italian for deleted scenes)
- Event Horizon - BD color matched to non-SE DVD, PCM LD + Cinema DTS Audio ***
- Evolution - DVHS (not on Blu-ray) ****
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found)
- Fan, The - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
- Fifth Element, The - WEBdl Open Matte 16:9 regraded *
(second source needed for logo removal)
- Final Cut, The - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
- Freejack - HDTV, LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) *
(WEBdl could be used to improve quality)
- Fur - An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
(second source needed for logo removal)
- Game, The - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Ghostbusters 1 - HDTV, color grading different from BD, LD audio available ***
(just English available, LD to be captured)
- Ghostbusters 2 - HDTV, color grading different from BD, LD audio available ***
(audio tracks OK, LD audio to be captured, subs to be found)
- Gladiator - HDTV Open Matte 16:9, color grading different from BD *
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found, is Cinema DTS available?)
- Godzilla (1998) - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ***
(English, Italian, Spanish tracks available)
- Harry Potter saga - Open Matte 16:9 ***** ALMOST FINISHED
(thread: https://fanrestore.com/thread-1481.html)
- Hidden, The - WEB (not on Blu-ray) *
- Hobbit Trilogy - HDTV & WEB Open Matte 16:9 *
- Independence Day - HDTV Theatrical Edition, Open Matte 16:9, DTS LD audio available **
(English, Italian, Spanish tracks available)
- Johnny Mnemonic - DVD Extended Edition *
(just English available)
- Last Action Hero - HDTV different color grading *
- Mad City - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
(just Italian available)
- Matrix Trilogy - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ***
(audio tracks OK, subs supposedly too)
- Minority Report - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 **
- Nirvana - DVD upscale (not on Blu-ray) **
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found)
- No Escape - HDTV, LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) ***
(audio tracks OK, subs supposedly too, second source needed for logo removal)
- Oblivion - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ****
(bad English audio available, third source found, this time seems perfect!)
- Panic Room - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 **
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found)
- Pirates of the Caribbean quadrilogy - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
(thread: https://fanrestore.com/thread-1487.html)
- Predator - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 with bigger frame size than BD *
- Predator 2 - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 with bigger frame size than BD *
- Predators - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Prometheus - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ***
(thread: https://fanrestore.com/thread-1593.html)
- Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, 5 Open Matte 16:9 *
- Resident Evil 3, 4 regraded using a direct color reference *
- Resident Evil 6 regraded using a non-direct color reference *
- Ring, The - DVHS Open Matte 16:9, color grading different from BD ****
(audio tracks OK, subs to be found)
- Ring 2, The - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ***
- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - HDTV Theatrical Cut, color grading different from BD, LD audio available ****
(audio tracks OK, some subs to be found)
- Robocop (2014) - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *
- Saint, The - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) *
- S1M0NE - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) ***
(English, German, Italian available)
- Screamers - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 (not on Blu-ray) ***
(audio tracks OK, subs supposedly too)
- Sphere - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 regraded *
- Supernova (2000) - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 **
(all audio and subs tracks ready; second source needed for logo removal)
- Terminator 3 - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ***
(English and Italian tracks)
- Thirteenth Floor, The - HDTV Open Matte 1.87:1 (OAR 2.35:1) *
- Timeline (2003) - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 ***** RELEASED
(a remastered edition with improved video quality and bigger frame in progress)
- Time Machine, The (2002) - DVHS (not on Blu-ray) ****
(audio tracks OK, subs supposedly too)
- Titan A.E. - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) ***
(English and German available; color grading different from web, which is the "right" one?)
- Total Recall (1990) - BD regraded using LD as reference *
(English and Italian tracks OK, LD to be captured)
- True Lies - DVHS, DTS LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) **
- True Lies - HDTV + WEBdl Open Matte 16:9, DTS LD audio available (not on Blu-ray) **
(English and Italian tracks OK, LD to be captured)
- Village, The - HDTV (not on Blu-ray) **
(just English available)
- Waterworld - DVD Extended Edition, HD-DVD may be used to replace theatrical parts *
(all audio and subs available for the theatrical cut; as far as I know, the extended cut is available only in English)
- X-Files, The - Fight The Future - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 regraded *
- X-Files, The - I Want To Believe - HDTV Open Matte 16:9 *

- 2010 - BD + add few shots from BD trailer
- Men In Black 3 - BD + add the "Flaco" shot from BD trailer
- The 13th Warrior - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Alien Hunter - WEB
- Armageddon - regraded to DVD/HDTV
- Beach, The - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Bewitched (2005) - HDTV
- Demolition Man - regraded to DVD/HDTV
- Fantastic Four - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Fight Club - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Flushed Away - HDTV
- Ghost Rider - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Indiana Jones trilogy - HDTV
- King Kong (2005) - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Percy Jackson & the Olympians 1 & 2- HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Pianist, The - HDTV
- Robin Hood (2010) - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Tron Legacy - HDTV + BD Open Matte 16:9
- Troy - HDTV Theatrical Cut, Open Matte 16:9
- Underworld 1 & 2 - BD Open Matte 16:9 regraded
- Underworld 3 & 4 - HDTV Open Matte 16:9
- Alien Raiders
- Blind Fury
- Cube 2
- Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (HDTV still got open matte version, though)
- Ice Pirates
- Independence Day
- Innerspace
- Lawnmower Man
- Split Second
- Solaris (2002)
- Terminator 2 - DVD Full Screen
- Total Recall - DVD Open Matte