I'm working of the extended edition of Star Wars saga (http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Star-Wa...p/id/52131) and I thought to use also the DVD menus - which are really beautiful, and even a small snippet from a live action part of a videogame.
Clip 1: I covered the menu writing with a frame without them; sadly, not perfect, I've used an interpolation avisynth script to reconstruct the frames with no corresponding writing-free ones; I've cut part of the usable image and made a "patchwork"; at the end I have 8 frames with the top perfect, and bottom reconstructed; I made everything in MSpaint, in a rush, so forgive me for the mediocre result - bit hey, it's just a test clip, after all!.
Before, I tried to use logo removal tool, but there are too many writings, and result was unsatisfactory; I thought also to reduce the mask used for the overlay somehow, using multiple languages menus, but I have available only English and Italian, so a median could not be used... if anyone has Star Wars DVDs with other languages, I'd like to try the theory.
* Episode 5 - possible intro to add before the project files
Test clip - used DVD menu and replaced parts covered with writings - 24s 30MB (download link valid until 2017-02-02)
* **Episode 5 - Darth Vader and Luke encounter is "enhanced"**
Test clip - used a pan & zoom take instead of a static take; taken from DVD menu - 31s 40MB (download link valid until 2017-02-02)
Clip 3: I finally found the Episode 3 ‘extended Count Dooku duel’ from the videogame… it’s just 3s shot, but, as it’s Christopher Lee, and it fits quite well, I decided to put it in; original quality is low, so final result isn’t perfect - it’s in color, at least - but we are talking about a 2005 PS2 game, and the cinematic sequence is also windowboxed…
For this, I just cropped the video game image, converted fps to 23.976, denoise, upscale, grain plate, and reinse
* **Episode 3 - Dooku says "Just because there are two of you, do not assume you have the advantage."**
Test clip - 3s cut dialog reinserted in the movie from Playstation 2 videogame - 12s 16MB (download link valid until 2017-02-01)
I'm working really hard on this project, that, I fear, will take all my time dedicated to restoration - but I wanted to make it so much, since really long time, so... feedbacks are not only REALLY welcome, but extremely NEEDED!
Clip 1: I covered the menu writing with a frame without them; sadly, not perfect, I've used an interpolation avisynth script to reconstruct the frames with no corresponding writing-free ones; I've cut part of the usable image and made a "patchwork"; at the end I have 8 frames with the top perfect, and bottom reconstructed; I made everything in MSpaint, in a rush, so forgive me for the mediocre result - bit hey, it's just a test clip, after all!.
Before, I tried to use logo removal tool, but there are too many writings, and result was unsatisfactory; I thought also to reduce the mask used for the overlay somehow, using multiple languages menus, but I have available only English and Italian, so a median could not be used... if anyone has Star Wars DVDs with other languages, I'd like to try the theory.
* Episode 5 - possible intro to add before the project files
Test clip - used DVD menu and replaced parts covered with writings - 24s 30MB (download link valid until 2017-02-02)
Clip 2: taken the untouched menu video, upscaled to 1080p, grain plate, cropped conveniently and readded black borders to have a coherent aspect ratio with the rest of the movie; fast color correction of the movie part, to be in line with the menu colors; audio is from the movie.* **Episode 5 - Darth Vader and Luke encounter is "enhanced"**
Test clip - used a pan & zoom take instead of a static take; taken from DVD menu - 31s 40MB (download link valid until 2017-02-02)
Clip 3: I finally found the Episode 3 ‘extended Count Dooku duel’ from the videogame… it’s just 3s shot, but, as it’s Christopher Lee, and it fits quite well, I decided to put it in; original quality is low, so final result isn’t perfect - it’s in color, at least - but we are talking about a 2005 PS2 game, and the cinematic sequence is also windowboxed…
For this, I just cropped the video game image, converted fps to 23.976, denoise, upscale, grain plate, and reinse
* **Episode 3 - Dooku says "Just because there are two of you, do not assume you have the advantage."**
Test clip - 3s cut dialog reinserted in the movie from Playstation 2 videogame - 12s 16MB (download link valid until 2017-02-01)
I'm working really hard on this project, that, I fear, will take all my time dedicated to restoration - but I wanted to make it so much, since really long time, so... feedbacks are not only REALLY welcome, but extremely NEEDED!