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2015-02-15, 01:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 2015-03-10, 04:52 PM by spoRv.)
I thought to remove the Archived subforum in the Complete projects forum, as there will (probably) be not many posts here... now, you should put an [archived] in front of the project thread title, in the Released subforum.
I added Restorations, preservations, edits etc. subforum in the General discussions forum - link:
I added the Audio projects forum - hope you will appreciate it!
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2015-03-10, 05:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 2015-03-10, 05:10 PM by spoRv.)
There is some interest in bonus discs; I do LOVE extra materials, in particular obscure ones difficult to find in "mainstream" editions... so, I like the idea to have a Bonus disc about a movie, even if the main feature is not preserved/restored... they should be not merely a verbatim copy of a retail disc, but more of a collection of a lot of thing from many different DVD and/or BD, audio CD, vinyls, web etc. as comprehensive as possible.
So, should this Bonus disc be included in the Complete project category, or it's time to add a new category? I thought also to merge the Requests and Proposals for all forums, and add an "Help" to the description... so, we will have three main categories, with three subcategories each:
- Complete projects - maybe better to rename it Feature project (?!?)
- Requests, proposals and help
- In progress
- Released and archived
- Extras projects
- Requests, proposals and help
- In progress
- Released and archived
- Audio projects
- Requests, proposals and help
- In progress
- Released and archived
What do you think? Vote in the poll!!!
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You can't call a category "Complete projects" and have an "in progress" section inside. I mean, if it is complete it isn't in progress.
Maybe "Movie projects"?
Anyway, it would be nice a category to "request" material, not "projects". I mean, as it is now, you can request something like "Hey, can somebody preserve whichever movie?", but there isn't a place to ask for a video source for a project or something like that.
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Indeed, maybe "comprehensive" project is better... "movie" is not right, as it could be an animated film, a documentary, a concert... what's about "feature"?
I'd like to create the new "Proprosals, requests and help"; when you need help (finding a source) is it intended you SHOULD use it for a project... right? Open to new subforum name, though... but I'd like to place help threads there, so each help request will be in the right category... what about adding [proposal], [request] and [help needed] in front of thread's name?
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I vote for condensing the categories and merging the two. I think we have too many categories for the amount of people here but that just my opinion Andrea, its your baby.
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Thanks for the feedback PDB, but now this forum is everyone's baby!
We'll see, but IMHO this is the best way to separate topics, but at the same time without having too many categories...
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OK, today I have "revolutionized" the whole forum...
Now we have three main categories:
- Complete project
- Audio project
- Bonus projects
each has these subcategories:
- Proposal, requests, help
- In progress
- Released
In comparison to the previous situation, where there were two main categories, with four subcategories each, for a total of eight subcategories - but lacking the "help" one, now we have one new category (Bonus projects) with a total of nine categories, including "help"...
Last thought: noted we have now A,B,C categories - Audio, Bonus, Complete - but not in alphabetical order... do you think I should move the Complete category at the end?!?
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IMHO they don't need to be alphabetical but they can be
This forum is starting to come together very nicely Andrea and I hope the community here will continue to grow.
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Jerry, we are still deciding the latest little "things"...
Happy to see you like the way this forum is going, and this also thanks to you, and all other great members here!