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2017-09-12, 11:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-13, 03:14 AM by BronzeTitan.
Edit Reason: typos
(2017-09-11, 07:30 PM)Beetwaaf Wrote: Could one not just write a Avisynth script?
Yes and that's fairly easy to do, too. It's how I extracted the fields for my demonstration (to treat the 5 frames I captured as a video).
Code: ##=================
## GITS frames numbered / progressive reconstruction test
## Video/frame files path & name
## ----------
snap01 = "GITS frame 1.png"
snap02 = "GITS frame 2.png"
snap03 = "GITS frame 3.png"
snap04 = "GITS frame 4.png"
snap05 = "GITS frame 5.png"
## Get video/frames
## ----------
capture01 = ImageSource( snap01 ).trim( 0,-1 )
capture02 = ImageSource( snap02 ).trim( 0,-1 )
capture03 = ImageSource( snap03 ).trim( 0,-1 )
capture04 = ImageSource( snap04 ).trim( 0,-1 )
capture05 = ImageSource( snap05 ).trim( 0,-1 )
## separate frames into fields
## assume scanlines top-down & even-odd
## NTSC assumed to be upper field first
## PAL assumed to be lower field first
## ----------
## 01_E/01_O
## 02_E/02_O
## 04_E/03_O
## 05_E/05_O
## ----------
field01_E = capture01.SeparateFields().trim( 0,-1 ) # get 1st separation - even field
field01_O = capture01.SeparateFields().trim( 1,0 ) # get 2nd separation - odd field
field02_E = capture02.SeparateFields().trim( 0,-1 )
field02_O = capture02.SeparateFields().trim( 1,0 )
field03_E = capture03.SeparateFields().trim( 0,-1 )
field03_O = capture03.SeparateFields().trim( 1,0 )
field04_E = capture04.SeparateFields().trim( 0,-1 )
field04_O = capture04.SeparateFields().trim( 1,0 )
field05_E = capture05.SeparateFields().trim( 0,-1 )
field05_O = capture05.SeparateFields().trim( 1,0 )
## re-combine fields
## ----------
progr01 = ( field01_E + field01_O ).Weave()
progr02 = ( field02_E + field02_O ).Weave()
# Just in case of different standards ..
# .. frame 3 combined from field04_E & field03_O
progr03_4E3O = ( field04_E + field03_O ).Weave()
# .. OR frame 3 combined from field03_E & field04_O
progr03_3E4O = ( field03_E + field04_O ).Weave()
progr04 = ( field05_E + field05_O ).Weave()
## display as video
## last uncommented group/line is the one that displays
## ----------
## show separated fields
( field01_E.SubTitle( "frame 1 field Even", align=2 )
\ +field01_O.SubTitle( "frame 1 field Odd ", align=2 )
\ +field02_E.SubTitle( "frame 2 field Even", align=2 )
\ +field02_O.SubTitle( "frame 2 field Odd ", align=2 )
\ +field03_E.SubTitle( "frame 3 field Even", align=2 )
\ +field03_O.SubTitle( "frame 3 field Odd ", align=2 )
\ +field04_E.SubTitle( "frame 4 field Even", align=2 )
\ +field04_O.SubTitle( "frame 4 field Odd ", align=2 )
\ +field05_E.SubTitle( "frame 5 field Even", align=2 )
\ +field05_O.SubTitle( "frame 5 field Odd ", align=2 )
\ ).assumeFPS( 1 )
## show interlaced frames
( capture01 +capture02 +capture03 +capture04 +capture05 ).assumeFPS( 1 )
## show reconstructed progressive frames (use one or the other)
#( progr01 +progr02 +progr03_4E3O +progr04 ).assumeFPS( 1 )
( progr01 +progr02 +progr03_3E4O +progr04 ).assumeFPS( 1 )
But I use a paint program to work on those 2 critical, interlaced frames/fields. Avisynth is a little less forth-coming combining frames and it's easier / quicker to do tests in the paint program. Once I get it working in my proof-of-concept, then I can play around trying to get Avisynth to duplicate it.
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(2017-09-12, 11:51 PM)BronzeTitan Wrote: Once I get it working in my proof-of-concept, then I can play around trying to get Avisynth to duplicate it.
Eagerly waiting for that phase...
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2017-09-13, 12:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-13, 12:06 AM by BronzeTitan.)
Me, too ... if I can stand it!
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@ CSchmidlapp
Would you post 4 progressive frames from the 25th Anniversary Edition (noted as a source in your Ultimate Edition project)? Having them while trying to de-interlace the screencaps from the Original Movie may give me clues to unravel it. It's easy to see from where to start -- the 1st frame has a small white dot on the shoulder, in shadow, of Major Kusanagi 's white vest, and it's only on that single frame (see my post 2 pages back). Thanks if you get a chance!
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2017-09-13, 11:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-14, 10:12 PM by BronzeTitan.
Edit Reason: added bronze-eye view
Whoa, that's excellent! Thanks for your effort! Those frames look so-o-o-o good compared the "Original Movie". Viewing the blurry, interlaced frames made me think my eyes were going bad (outside bronze glasses = Original; inside = 25th Anniversary) :
Now I can cancel my appointment with the Opto metalist for softening of the lenses (we bronze Titans start off with hard lenses).
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Still working on this and it's looking more complicated than I would expect for normal telecine (even assuming possible standard variations). Meanwhile, with the gathering of some sources, here's their relative cropping of GITS (open the image in a new tab to see it's full size):
The most complete area (the HD-TV release, of course) is used as the background picture. If anyone has other sources, post each of this frame ("driving to intercept the garbage men" at the beginning of the film), full sized, and I'll include it in an updated comparison.
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Just a quick heads up but I could not find the other ghost in the shell thread....
Came across a dvd called "Superthruster" by Sly and Robbie.
It has a music Video called Zen concrete and I think it may also contain a few pieces of unique artwork and also the song is missing from the soundtrack as it is in the film.
Just a heads up on it if you were not already aware.
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[proposal] Ghost in the Shell - Ultimate Edition
in Complete projects >> Requests, proposals, help (a 2015 thread) ... ?
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(2017-12-05, 12:50 AM)BronzeTitan Wrote: [proposal] Ghost in the Shell - Ultimate Edition
in Complete projects >> Requests, proposals, help (a 2015 thread) ... ?
I never released it properly, I made a movie only MKV and sent it a few members here.
It's been lost in a Hard Drive fail!
I'm currently sifting through back, so I may come across the original project files at some point and do a re-render.