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Ford v Ferrari/Le Mans 66:

Excellent. One of my favorites of the year with Joker.
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Once upon a time in Hollywood

Very entertaining, especially for this day and age. Ballsy and fun, quite enjoyed it.
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Gemini Man (2019)

Watched the trailer, it seemed a very nice spy action movie, and with Will Smith and Ang Lee, it should not be bad. Indeed, it wasn't bad at all, but... frankly, I expected much more. Clones? Pff, seen so many times before. "Replicated" actor? Pff, seen less time, but seen already. Perfect replication? Well, almost... in few instances, it shows that it's a digital replica, but all in all it was good. So, quite good, but not memorable.


Bølgen (The Wave) (2015)

Not aware of this until I've see the following one (The Quake), and watched it after, so BEWARE: watch this before the other!
Same opinion of the sequel applies to this, apart this one is involving an avalanche, and SFX are even less present.


Skjelvet (The Quake) (2018)

Stumbled upon it by chance, it was a revelation! An European disaster movie is rarely seen (if ever), and this one was very good; acting was good - the little girl has talent, and screamed a lot less than Dakota Fanning - and the SFX are quite good, maybe not up to the best Hollywood production, but still waaay better than any low budget B-movie! Sure, first part was slow and almost boring, but the second one was comparable to any other good disaster flick (apart with much less actors).


The Boys (2019) TV series

Well, can't say much about the story without spoilers, so it should suffice to say it's about superheroes that are less than perfect, and a group of people who want to stop them somehow - but really, there is much MUCH more! If you like superheroes, black comedy, drama, with good acting, great SFX (even if sparsely used), good music, you know, a perfectly made product, you can't lose it!

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Rambo: Last Blood (2019)

I must admit the last time I watched a Rambo movie was few months after the fourth release; never had the occasion to watch again the first three, so my memory could have forgot some details... said so, this last chapter seems (to me) quite distant from the main character seen in previous movies.

I should write something about the story this time, so avoid to open if you don't want to read spoilers!

At the very beginning, we see Rambo recycled as volunteer to (try to) save people from a storm during the night... and it could (barely) work; then, we see him recycled as an old cowboy in a big ranch, and it could (again barely) work; but, in the very moment I saw him not sleeping in his big house - where an old woman who probably took care of the house since years lives and work, along with her young granddaughter whom is treated as a daughter by him - but, instead, in a maze of tunnels under the ranch, I understood that the bad guys would die there... and I was right, of course! But, why the bad guys should be there? So, let's find out an excuse to bring them there: the young girl goes in Mexico, against all the advices, to find her father; there, she's kidnapped and forced to be a prostitute; then Rambo goes to (try to) free them, but a lot of bad guys beat him; a journalist, by chance, helps him to recover, and lead him where the girl is; he goes there, kill few of the bad guys, take her out, going home, but the girl dies during the return... he buries her, go back to Mexico, decapitates the least important boss brother, and go back home waiting for the bad guys... and of course the other brother wants vengeance, takes two dozen bad guys, and Rambo kill'em all in the tunnel - except one, but you need to watch it, if you have decided to read the story against my warnings!
well, the story is quite weak, remembering Taken and/or The Equalizer and/or Man on Fire; first part was slow and boring, middle part was slow and less boring, last part was splatter - to me quite fun, but I'm an horror fan, so no problems to me, still not in the saga style IMHO.
Acting subpar, Sly very old and tired, actors randomly chosen, a lot of stereotypes... frankly, you can watch it as any vendetta B-movie and forget the second after it finishes... 

4/10 (if you love splatters)
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The Irishman: I wish I had seen this gem in a theater. It's Scorsese at what he does best with the greatest cast of the genre. A little too long maybe, yet I watched it all the way through without even pausing it to pee or get something in the fridge.

Knives Out: excellent! So much fun and laugh-out-loud moments in this great murder mystery. Great cast, great script. A must see. One of my favorites of the year.
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Working my way through all Star Wars movies before seeing The Rise of Skywalker next week. Currently on A New Hope. Hope (pun intended) I will have time to watch them all.

Watched a rip of the Japanese laserdisc of The Phantom Menace. I think this is my favourite from the prequel trilogy. It may bore people with the whole trade war thing, but its nice seeing how the Empire begins to form. Also Liam Neeson is fantastic in this, and the pod racing segment is always a blast to watch (the sound here is amazing on the LD rip). I find the CGI while dated at least sits well with the real sets and actors, whereas the next 2 movies were filmed almost entirely in front of a green screen; depressing.

Solo is great fun! Ehrenreich is not a younger Ford but he does his own thing and is equally as charming. I just wish they shot this on film and wasn't so murky looking. Honestly I felt eye strain watching it.

Rogue One was a lot more boring than I remember in the theatre. My main problem is that it doesn't much feel like a SW movie. It does pick up towards the end though and the tie in with the original trilogy is great.
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The Rise of Skywalker:


Finally. Just got back from my screening, discovering Dolby Cinema while at it. The goddamn transport strike in France made me cancelled both reservations I had made to see it Wednesday and Thursday. But now, on Sunday night, I finally got the chance. I wouldn't say I completely loved it, but I kinda did. Even though there are a couple of things, couple of choices they made that I wasn't all for, overall, I had a great time, I even got emotional a couple times. There's a thing I wished for that did not fully happen, but hey, you can't always get what you want. So, to sum up, I was really satisfied with it, and in the end, the whole trilogy worked very much for me.
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Upgrade (2018)

Should just write that it's pretty perfect! A such low budget movie with so great results it's quite difficult to find nowadays, but everything was good - acting, SFX, music, story...
If you love sci-fi, or only action, it is a must see!


Lost in Space (series) seasons 1&2 (2018)

I must admit I haven't watched the original series, but I liked somehow the movie... so, I didn't know what to expect, and guess what? It was great, much better than what I thought, and maybe that contributed to increase the final score. Story is good, acting too, locations, SFX, everything, and some twists here and there in the plot helped.
Can't see a reason to not watch it, actually!


Doom Patrol (series) season 1 (2019)

Well, if you like superheroes movies, but you are a bit tired to watch almost always the same stories, take the chance to watch this instead - where heroes are losers, and go through many weird and funny adventures!


Titans (series) season 1 (2019)

After I watched Doom Patrol, I was almost "forced" to take a look at Titans; I expected something funny and light as the former, but it was not the case: it is serious this time, and, even if I liked it, I'd preferred something lighter.


The Mandalorian (series) season 1 (2019)

OK, I like Star Wars. But, after the latest episodes, I lost hope to see something very interesting. Luckily, I was wrong! Huge budget sometimes does not mean waste of money; I mean, it doesn't show so much - I've seen movies with a fraction of its budget (see the previous Upgrade) that seems to have a budget higher than the one this series has - but at least everything is on its place (apart some actors that personally I think they do not fit so well, but this is very subjective). So, back to us, I almost not hated the "baby Yoda", and liked Mando (but, again, wrong actor, at least without helmet!). A space western-like story and scenarios, it works very well; each episode story is pretty simple to follow, but this doesn't mean they do not work well, at the contrary.
Every Star Wars fan should watch it - and also sci-fi and western fans, too.

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(2020-01-08, 06:56 PM)spoRv Wrote: Upgrade (2018)

Should just write that it's pretty perfect! A such low budget movie with so great results it's quite difficult to find nowadays, but everything was good - acting, SFX, music, story...
If you love sci-fi, or only action, it is a must see!


Glad to see I'm not the only one talking highly of this movie. It truly is excellent. In my opinion the best sci fi movie in a long time, better than Blade Runner 2049 too.
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(2020-01-08, 07:00 PM)TomArrow Wrote:
(2020-01-08, 06:56 PM)spoRv Wrote: Upgrade (2018)

Should just write that it's pretty perfect! A such low budget movie with so great results it's quite difficult to find nowadays, but everything was good - acting, SFX, music, story...
If you love sci-fi, or only action, it is a must see!


Glad to see I'm not the only one talking highly of this movie. It truly is excellent. In my opinion the best sci fi movie in a long time, better than Blade Runner 2049 too.

Indeed! It is one of the few movies watched lately (when I built myself a rather fine knowledge of movies essence, after 10000+ watched during my whole life) that I can say "WOW!"

Few other ones that came into my mind right now: What happened to Monday, No one Lives, Hardcore Henry - in no specifical order. There are more, sure, but my memory lacks... should start a new thread about "most surprising films you have stumbled upon that you didn't know - and expect - anything, but they revealed themselves great!" or something like this! Happy
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