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Small update. The (hopefully) finally video for this has been encoded at ~20 to 21. So the video size is about 17GB. I wasn't going to include any the tracks from the BD itself but only the awesome PCM from the US widescreen LD and the DVD 5.1 (which was rumored to be from the 70mm masters with stereo-ized rears). Still syncing the DVD 5.1 but with the audio I have that should take the final project size to ~19 or 20GB. So I have some free space if anyone wants me to include any non-English audio or subs, please send them my way now. I just ask that they are in sync with the original BD.
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I'd say keep the bd 5.1 as from when I last checked it seemed to be the same as the DVD for the most part. Having both together would help for comparisons. Crusade on the other hand sounds virtually identical to the LD and DVD audio with the LD being slightly different due to being a home video track from a 1990 release and being matrixed.
As usual we have no real idea what if any are actually untouched theatrical tracks. I do quite like the look of how this regrade is going as for the longest time I've felt that the video editions probably aren't quite what the release version looked like. My cherished LD certainly looks slightly more like this on my xbr960 as I have it set to monitor mode which negates the ntsc automatic red push and fixes the skin tones being reddened.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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The regraded colors certainly look more doom-like. I like.
I also think the original BD track might be a good addition if you have some space left.
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How would you feel about a faithfully hardware-decoded LD PCM to 4.0 or 5.1 (with BC->LS RS -3dB and LFE from a lowpass of all the channels)?
Same idea goes for the Batman project.
(not sure if you saw my thread over at the audio editing section)
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I'll give you a buffalo knuckle if you can restore the censored audio as well when Julian Glover opens the trunk and says this is the finest 'Jewish' gold
shame the Hindenburg footage isn't available, I saw a 35mm print a few years back and it was still optically censored