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Edge Enhancement Removal

I'm doing a fan edit of Legend which involves editing together different transfers. Of the three available HD transfers, the American theatrical cut is the only one with edge enhancement applied, so it's somewhat jarring whenever I cut to it. The edge enhancement also results in the grain becoming overly coarse.

In the free edition of Nuke, I was able to conceal the edge enhancement using the "soften" filter and just messing with the settings until I got the just enough width to cover the halo. The grain was replaced using degraining tools in Digital Vision Phoenix, and my own regraining setup in Nuke.

The side effect is that your video will look softer than the original on comparison. However, on it's own, it looks perfectly suitable and is much more natural looking.
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IMHO, before is too sharp, after is too soft... maybe a sort of middle way would be better?
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I like it. I think the main reason it becomes soft is the degraining. If you regrained with stronger grain that looks good, the second will probably look better. (I guess)
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Yeah but don't forget Tom & SpoRv that the purpose of this processing is to get the edge-enhanced transfer to blend better with the non-edge enhanced transfers, which probably look softer.
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If I decrease the amount or radius of the softening filter, it won't be enough to cover up the edge enhancement halos. And yeah, the grain removal does result in some additional softening. Unfortunately its necessary because I need to try and match the grain size and amount between the transfers (not to mention regrade the shots which is a lot easier to do sans grain).
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Perhaps you could try merging the filtered video with the original. You might be able to get some of the sharpness back before the edge halos start showing through (a bit like the way in which you can add back a little of the original chroma to a regraded video before the result starts looking too much like the original).
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You should crop the borders before applying the effect and re-add them afterwards.
[Image: sNn6jyF.png] [Image: 0sPZMBH.png]
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(2017-12-31, 12:52 AM)Chewtobacca Wrote: Perhaps you could try merging the filtered video with the original.

Yep, it was what I mean; try, let's say 10%, 20% and so on, until you find out a "right" compromise. Smile
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There's a mix function on the soften node that does exactly that; currently have that finessed to its ideal amount.

Why would I crop the borders?
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(2017-12-31, 02:50 AM)Synnove Wrote: There's a mix function on the soften node that does exactly that; currently have that finessed to its ideal amount.

Why would I crop the borders?

They might be detected as edge and produce artifacts, is my guess.
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