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DTS soundtracks on laserdisc and not on DVD or BD?
LAST UPDATE: 2018-04-20

I’d like to know which title of the following list

has not a DVD and/or BD edition with a DTS soundtrack
where the DTS soundtrack is present, the DVD/BD edition is different from theatrical presentation but the laserdisc is the same
the DTS soundtrack is half bitrate (768kbps) - where laserdisc are 1441kbps - or the quality is not that good
simply, there is no DVD or BD edition at all!

This to determine which title could be eligible for a DTS soundtrack restoration, using the laserdisc DTS soundtrack and the best video available (BD or, if not available, DVD or, if there is no digital edition at all, the laserdisc video).

So, here you are a list of NTSC USA laserdiscs with DTS Digital Surround soundtrack:

  1. 12 Monkeys (1995) 43208
  2. Alien Resurrection (1997) 0032584
  3. Apollo 13 (1995) 43119 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  4. Armageddon (1998) 16066 AS -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  5. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery: Special Edition (1997) ID4402LI -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  6. Babe (1995) 43209 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  7. Blade (1998) ID5423LI -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  8. Blown Away (1994) ML106171
  9. Boogie Nights (1997) ID4415LI
  10. Born on the Fourth of July (1989) *** ID4482MC -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  11. Broken Arrow (1996) 0896384
  12. Carlito’s Way (1993) ID4425MC
  13. Casino (1995) 43117 -> The BD is DTS 5.1 but likely a new mix.
  14. Casper (1995) 43120
  15. Con Air (1997) 12881 AS
  16. Crimson Tide (1995) 12156 AS
  17. Crow, The (1994) 12157 AS
  18. Dante’s Peak (1997) 43364 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  19. Dark City (1998) ID4643LI -> theatrical was reissued as a bonus to the Director’s cut and not in DTS.
  20. Daylight (1996) 43271 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  21. Deep Rising (1998) 15066 AS
  22. Die Hard (1988) *** 0890584 -> original sound mix altered for all 5.1 remixes.
  23. Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) *** 0890684 -> original sound mix altered for all 5.1 remixes.
  24. … Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance (1995) 0885884 -> New BD audio very strong but not as detailed as a 1995 film should be, suspect a remix and not theatrical. -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  25. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) ID4426MC
  26. Dragonheart (1996) 43207 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  27. Eagles: Hell Freezes Over (1994) ID4065GF -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  28. English Patient, The (1996) 12356 AS
  29. … Eric Clapton: Unplugged (1992) ID4747WO
  30. Evita (1996) §§§ 12096 AS -> original theatrical sound was Dolby Digital.
  31. Firestorm (1997) 0277384
  32. Flubber (1997) 14687 AS
  33. Frighteners, The (1996) 43274
  34. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) 12160 AS
  35. Game, The (1997) ID4386PG
  36. Gate to the Mind’s Eye, The (1994) ID4068MM
  37. Get Shorty (1995) ML107093
  38. Getaway, The (1994) ID4471MC
  39. Goldeneye: Special Edition (1995) ML105987 -> 2006 BD loses it’s thunderous bass and LFE.
  40. Good Will Hunting (1997) 15112 AS
  41. Great Expectations (1998) 0449284
  42. Halloween: H20 (1998) 16070 AS
  43. … Happy Gilmore (1996) ID4423MC
  44. Hard Target (1993) 43276
  45. Heart and Souls (1993) ID4483MC
  46. Hercules (1997) 15067 AS -> This Disney films all get 7.1 remixes nowadays, so the laserdisc DTS soundtrack is the original.
  47. … Hoodlum (1997) ML107094
  48. Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1996) 12354 AS -> This Disney films all get 7.1 remixes nowadays, so the laserdisc DTS soundtrack is the original.
  49. In the Mouth of Madness: Special Edition (1994) ID3751LI -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  50. In the Name of the Father (1993) ID4484MC
  51. Independence Day: ID4 (1996) 0411884
  52. Jackal, The (1997) ID4424MC -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  53. Jackie Brown (1997) 15065 AS -> BD mix is DTS 5.1 but may be sweetened as Tarantino likes to tweak his films for video.
  54. Jackie Chan’s First Strike (1996) ID4713LI -> American dubbed and re-cut version.
  55. Jurassic Park (1993) 43115
  56. Kingpin (1996) ML107092
  57. Kull the Conqueror (1997) ID4422MC
  58. Last Man Standing (1996) ID3735LI
  59. Liar Liar (1997) 43365 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  60. Long Kiss Goodnight, The (1996) ID3738LI
  61. Lost in Space (1998) ID4712LI
  62. Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (1997) 43366
  63. Man in the Iron Mask, The: Special Edition (1998) ML107203
  64. Mask, The (1994) ID3752LI
  65. Mimic (1997) 14343 AS
  66. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) ID4421LI
  67. Mortal Kombat: Special Edition (1995) ID3753LI -> The audio on the Mortal Kombat BD is weak compared to the DTS LD. There was also a commentary track never carried over to DVD or Blu.
  68. Most Wanted (1997) ID4716LI
  69. Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995) 12161 AS
  70. Mr. Nice Guy (1997) ID4715LI
  71. … Mulholland Falls (1996) ML107089
  72. Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993) 12162 AS
  73. Nutty Professor, The (1996) 43272 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  74. Phenomenon (1996) 12159 AS
  75. Pocahontas (1995) 12158 AS -> This Disney films all get 7.1 remixes nowadays, so the laserdisc DTS soundtrack is the original.
  76. Pulp Fiction (1994) 12154 AS
  77. Quest, The (1996) 43367
  78. Red Corner (1997) ML107096
  79. River Wild, The (1994) 43275 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  80. Rob Roy (1995) ML107090
  81. Rock, The (1996) 12155 AS
  82. Ronin: Special Edition (1998) ML107602 -> BD uses LD DTS bitrate so it may be the same track.
  83. Rush Hour (1998) ID5477LI
  84. … Schindler’s List (1993) 43277
  85. Scream 2 (1997) 14607 AS
  86. Scream: Director’s Edition (1996) 14797 AS
  87. Seven (1995) ID3750LI
  88. Shadow, The (1994) 43116 -> The German BD has LD DTS bitrate so it may be the same and theatrical; there was an early DVD of The Shadow with a DTS track, fullscreen unfortunately.
  89. Shine (1996) ID3957LI
  90. … Six Days Seven Nights (1998) 16069 AS
  91. Spawn: The Movie: Special Edition (1997) ID4236LI
  92. Species (1995) ML105760
  93. … Speed (1994) 0896784
  94. Stargate: Deluxe Edition (1994) LD 60231-DTS -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  95. Strange Days (1995) 0893984
  96. … Street Fighter (1994) 43368
  97. Sudden Death (1995) 43210
  98. Super Speedway: IMAX (1997) ID4717OW
  99. Timecop (1994) 43211
  100. … Tina Turner: Live in Amsterdam (1996) ID4019ER
  101. Titanic (1997) LV334812-WSDTS
  102. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) ML107148 -> 2006 BD loses the surround clarity and in it’s unbelievable discrete effects.
  103. Toy Story (1995) 12153 AS -> LD original mix, Blu-ray has a DTS-ES 6.1 remix
  104. True Lies (1994) 0864084
  105. … Vertigo (1958) *** 43212 -> is the bad 5.1 remix with horridly intrusive new foley work. The new BD mix is supposedly a new and more faithful mix. The film is best in original mono.
  106. Village of the Damned (1995) 43278
  107. Volcano (1997) 0603984
  108. Wag the Dog (1997) ID4646LI
  109. Waterworld (1995) 43118 -> DVD has full bitrate DTS track
  110. Wedding Singer, The (1998) ID4686LI
  111. … West Side Story (1961) ML107088 -> LD is a transfer of the original 70mm six-track audio mix
  112. X-Files: The Movie (1998) 0044884

*** the movie’s soundtrack was not originally recorded in a multi-channel, digital audio format; these laserdiscs’ DTS soundtracks have been created by re-mastering the film’s original analog soundtrack
§§§ the movie’s soundtrack was originally recorded in a multi-channel digital audio format other than DTS Digital Surround

TITLES IN BOLD - movies I own
STRIKEDTHROUGH - movies that doesn’t deserve a DTS soundtrack restoration for one of this reasons:
(DVD) DVD available with a DTS soundtrack better than the laserdisc edition
(BD) Blu-Ray available with a DTS soundtrack better than the laserdisc edition
(BD/DVD) Both DVD and Blu-Ray have better DTS soundtrack than laserdisc

Note: altough I strikedthrough some titles, this doesn't mean necessarily that DTS track on DVD is better than LD; it could have a different mix, or worst quality, as many DTS tracks on LD were 18-bit, while only 16-bit on DVD. So, any info on each of these title will be highly appreciated!
Thanks given by: Feallan , Jetrell Fo , DoomBot
Thanks Andrea, this is most appreciated.
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Have to ask this, is there a site that stores these LD audio or is that something youjust move between yourselves per requirement, because I would love to have some of those, mainly because I'm not certain if I have ever heard them that way before. I'm not much use for most of this project stuff but I can keep stuff seeded.
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I had once an half idea to put up some sort of "DTS laserdisc project", to preserve all DTS laserdisc (I got 100 IIRC, only few missing from the complete list); thought to set up a crowdfunding company to get the remained titles, then capture all of them (of course bit-perfect), and put them in sync with the best release around - tipically BD, or DVD if any title is not available on BD.

Also, a general "laserdisc preservation project" would be useful... so many tracks which sound better than DVD or BD, or have different mix, or better compression, without talking never released commentaries, different color grading (needed for color reference); few also with different cut, or missing altogether in digital form (Ransom extended edition, for example, along with many old concerts).

Dunno if it's feasible, though...
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(2018-04-15, 05:00 PM)OogieBoogie Wrote: Have to ask this, is there a site that stores these LD audio or is that something you just move between yourselves per requirement, because I would love to have some of those, mainly because I'm not certain if I have ever heard them that way before. I'm not much use for most of this project stuff but I can keep stuff seeded.

There is no site that "stores" this LD audio. The LD's have to be purchased and ripped accordingly. If you purchase the ones you'd like we do have folks that would probably rip them for you as long as you pay the shipping both ways and ask nicely. If members were "moving stuff between themselves per requirement", especially for project assets, it would not be disclosed or referenced publicly for any reason.

I hope that answers your questions.
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I just captured Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1996) 12354 AS in bit-perfect DTS. Smile

If anybody wants to sync it, let me know.
Thanks given by: BDgeek
That's great news alinskey!!!

I've never watched this Disney film, but it would be great to do so with LD audio.

BTW, since I noticed you're US based, I'm trying to secure some LDs, for example Tremors Siganture LD to PDB's project, and if you're able to capture the audio on these beauties, I could gift you some sets.

If you're interested, reach me by PM and we'll sort it out.
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(2020-06-29, 02:53 AM)alinskey Wrote: I just captured Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1996) 12354 AS in bit-perfect DTS. Smile

If anybody wants to sync it, let me know.

I missed that you'd done this one and I've got a copy on the way. Bugger! I'm interested to compare the LD DTS to the very first DVD DTS.

I have a couple of related ones en route and am capturing one of them now...
Thanks given by:

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