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Hi all,

Registered here a while ago but never introduced myself, I guess. Came here from the OT forums, where I mainly follow Harmy, Mike Verta, Team Negative-1, and now DrDre's projects. Dre's superresolution experiments have had particularly exciting results in the last few weeks. As far as editing goes I've done a few little projects for myself, but I've recently shared a version of THX-1138 that I compiled based on the 1971 16mm film, blu-ray, and laserdisc. Might have a couple other things in the works. Thanks for having us here!
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On behalf of the community, "Welcome to fanres!"

I agree with you that Dre's superresolution experiments have been impressive and (thanx2him) I am now using this technique myself and have noticed HUGE differences for the better by doing it this way, as opposed to "normal" upscaling.

Have seen your THX1138 upload over on MS but haven't had the HDD space to pull it yet. Thanx for the effortWink

If you don't mind me asking, what "little" projects for yourself have you worked on? Would you consider sharing info about any of them? Always interested in what people are doing.
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towne32, at last! Wink

Happy to have you here, and curious, too, to know something more about your "little projects"! Smile
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(2015-06-10, 01:48 PM)jerryshadoe Wrote: On behalf of the community, "Welcome to fanres!"
I agree with you that Dre's superresolution experiments have been impressive and (thanx2him) I am now using this technique myself and have noticed HUGE differences for the better by doing it this way, as opposed to "normal" upscaling.
Have seen your THX1138 upload over on MS but haven't had the HDD space to pull it yet. Thanx for the effortWink
If you don't mind me asking, what "little" projects for yourself have you worked on? Would you consider sharing info about any of them? Always interested in what people are doing.
Thanks for the welcome!
Most of the things are unfinished or minor changes. I made a semi-specialized A New Hope. After getting lost in the realm of color correction for a long time, I actually realized that I wasn't as interested in a semi-specialized version as I thought I was! But I know now that if I ever want to fix the color of those awful blu-rays again, I'll just use Age's wonderful LUT he released.
I've re-inserted deleted scenes of TV shows, stuff like that. What comes to mind mainly is the 1989 Doctor Who serial "Ghost Light", which was trimmed substantially for time, making the already confusing story almost ungraspable.
I mentioned on the other forum that I've edited Superman II (Donner). As others have pointed out, there's so many of these now that are trying to achieve a perfect blend of the two cuts. And there's no room for another edit, so it's just for me unless anyone else finds it a perfect fit for them. My goal was different: To simply make the Donner cut in a format that I find watchable, with the fewest changes (Minimal Essential Edit). It can't be the version that he wanted when he was filming, but it can be perhaps a version with the creative decisions made in 2006 without some of the technical aspects that make it, to me, unwatchable. Namely:
1. Remove blatant 2006 CGI. This means the rocket, new title, Jupiter and Saturn having a party next to each other in space, and so on. For example, here is the intro as I cleaned it up: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2gpj3s
2. Donner hated the Pink Bear Scene. So while it's tempting to put it back in if the goal is to make the film look professional instead of hacked together, I felt that the gun scene was needed. I cut it in a different way from other editors, keeping more of the footage but avoiding Clark's ridiculous changes: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2gq2vm
3. Simply re-instated the kiss ending. Yes, Donner had the world spin ending but the studio moved it up to the first film. But the 2006 release should have been 'what if Donner was kept on for II'. And he knows this, but in the special features said that he hadn't yet come up with the new ending, let alone filmed it. So they put the spin back. If he finished it, it wouldn't have been the kiss, but it wouldn't have been the spin. Why not at least make a cut that works in the series? Plus, the President/Flag and Bully scenes don't work if he's reversed everything.

(linked videos are not the final versions, but they happened to already be uploaded)
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You should start a thread about this!
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It's normal for a project maker to have unfinished projectsWink

There are sometimes technical difficulties, new sources (sometimes better) to work with, realizing that others might do it "better," etc that all factor into this. A lot of projects are started as something that someone was doing for themselves and then decided to share it because the results were nice.

I agree with Andrea that you should start a thread about what you are doing with Superman II, as I think there would be more interest in it than you realize. I, for one, like the samples that you posted and would like to see your progress. Another reason it's a good idea to post here is that someone might be able to give you some hints/suggestions/advice about how to achieve a "better" result by using different techniques and feedback on projects helps a lot. It's very easy to get "lost" in what you are doing and not notice something that needs to be addressed, that will stick out like a sore thumb to others. This does NOT mean that you HAVE to listen to the suggestions, but it's nice to have that inputWink
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(2015-06-11, 02:07 AM)jerryshadoe Wrote: It's normal for a project maker to have unfinished projectsWink

There are sometimes technical difficulties, new sources (sometimes better) to work with, realizing that others might do it "better," etc that all factor into this. A lot of projects are started as something that someone was doing for themselves and then decided to share it because the results were nice.

I agree with Andrea that you should start a thread about what you are doing with Superman II, as I think there would be more interest in it than you realize. I, for one, like the samples that you posted and would like to see your progress. Another reason it's a good idea to post here is that someone might be able to give you some hints/suggestions/advice about how to achieve a "better" result by using different techniques and feedback on projects helps a lot. It's very easy to get "lost" in what you are doing and not notice something that needs to be addressed, that will stick out like a sore thumb to others. This does NOT mean that you HAVE to listen to the suggestions, but it's nice to have that inputWink

Thanks. I'll probably make that thread. I just hadn't thought to do so since the OT thread generated no response other than 'we don't need another Superman II' or 'I've seen enough of these' type things. That's what the videos were originally made for. Few enough things were changed that I can capture them in just a few videos for feedback. Despite a number of views, I don't think anyone mentioned anything about the videos. Can't say I blame anyone for being sick of this film. Smile It, along with Phantom Menace, are basically the grand daddies of fan edit material. Still, you are right on the various points you bring up!

As far as Superman II goes, it's done and I am happy with it! I don't think I have all the source files I constructed along the way. But if I describe it in detail and people want to take a look at it, I'll be happy to get it to them.
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Just chiming in, welcome towne
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