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[In progress] A Clockwork Orange - German Version
Oh, my dear droogies, the next horrorshow project in my pipeline is going to be the preservation of the German version of A Clockwork Orange.

[Image: 0GSR94n.jpg]
Things to be done:
  • Using the new 4K UHD transfer to create a new FullHD SDR intermediate master
  • Recreating localized intro and end credit sequences in German.
  • Synching the English and German mono audio
  • Optional English and German 5.1 audio
  • Subtitles, chapters etc.

This, my dear droogies, should be way less a pain in the gulliver than The Shining was.
[Image: JCjhKrn.jpg]
Some first progress.

[Image: ChqIY5n.jpg]
[Image: JCjhKrn.jpg]
Thanks given by: The Aluminum Falcon
When is the project going to be finished?
Project creator.
Thanks given by:
Seems legit, what effects did you apply to the font?
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
Thanks given by:
(2021-10-27, 12:34 AM)Evit Wrote: Seems legit, what effects did you apply to the font?


Multiple, actually. Especially with the different background colors in the end credits, the effects need to be tweaked every time.

Was a bit busy and had to make a pause. But started work again. Smile

[Image: 0JuJqcT.png]
[Image: JCjhKrn.jpg]
Thanks given by: Evit
An update with some curious info.

As the end credits 1) are cycling through the same sequence of colors (Red -> Blue -> Orange -> Green -> Purple) and 2) are timed to the song "Singin' In The Rain", there was no possibility to insert a German dub credit additionally to the existing ones. Therefore, one credit was replaced.

[Image: jDZaFaC.png]

[Image: jO2yIvj.png]

Also, there is a curious addition to the following credit: the English version only lists one Production Assistant (Andros Epaminondas), whereas the German version lists the credit in plural form and adds another name (Margaret Adams).

[Image: PGrBBbI.png]

[Image: ENz8JPm.png]
[Image: JCjhKrn.jpg]
Thanks given by:
Just became aware of some remaining asynchronity in the German mono.
I will fix it ASAP.
[Image: JCjhKrn.jpg]
Thanks given by:

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