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Can you give a quick explanation of what this actually is? I looked at the github site, and rest the read me, but it is all over my head. Do you know of a LD decode for big dummies site that can help? I have searched, but the web seems lacking.
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I do have a degree in electrical engineering. Maybe I could be of help. I just have no knowledge of laser discs, as I have never owned one. I need to get up to speed on how they work a little. It is my understanding that what is encoded on the disc is actually an analog signal. How are they typically "ripped"? Is it as simple as play the Disc and output either S-video or RCA to the input of a high quality video capture card? Is there any external amplifiers or filters that it runs through to help polish the signal?
Help me know what an X0 analog to digital transfer is.
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Check the forums. I believe the guy who came up with this system has a thread there.
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Happycube is a member here, too... if you need some help, you could send him a PM from here!
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I read the entire thread at lddb. It seems that basically any cheap laser disc is capable of producing a frequency modulated (FM) signal that can be accessible through a RF test pin. He then connects it to a TV tuner card that is capable of analyzing analog signals. The only catch is he is using Python on a Linux system, and has to run each program through a command line.
He decodes the signal, then runs it through a software based TBC filter, and then a Comb filter. From the results of the video I saw, his initial attempts were not that promising, but the latest youtube videos that he published are quite nice.
Basically a top of the line laser disc player has advanced circuitry that is enable to encode, as well as filter in real time. The cheap ones do not seem to do it as efficiently.
I think he can get extremely good results with software filtering from any cheap working laser disc.