2021-10-23, 12:04 AM
(2021-10-22, 09:49 AM)X5gb Wrote: BDgeek, my point to spoRv was that simply muxing does not create the delay, its the initial encoding that creates the delay
(2021-10-22, 10:11 AM)zoidberg Wrote: I was under the impression that it is something the authoring software needs to 'see' but is discarded which is why DTS-MA tracks from professionally mastered blus do not have the header. Pipefan wrote a lot (a lot) about this so it's probably best to check his threads, also a hex editor would allow you to identify the presence if the header
I've read pipe's tread, can't say I undersand all of it, but from my understanding of it, he didn't come to a full conclussion. That's what led me to investigate this issue even further doing empirical comparisons.
While I don't understant about headers and never used a hex editior, what I can atest and offer is empirical data that most comercial DTS releases are about 20+ ms ahead of the respetive Dolby tracks when both are decoded to PCM.
So my guess is that some releases might accout for it, as the one Scavenger mentioned, but on a lot if not most of the cases, studios just ignore it.