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Frankenstein (1931) Audio Preservation
Where did you find that image and can the person be contacted to capture that audio? (even though it looks like there is a lot of damage [i.e scratches])
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His Facebook name is Janos Snuggles McStabber. Whether he actually owns that disc or just had the image I dont know.
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Judging by the pictures of the guy on his fb page, it looks like he is an older gentleman...

Do you guys think we should try to contact him and see if that was just an image he shared or whether he has access to the actual disc (even if it was just that one for reel 2) ??
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Here's the original post, containing the image:
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Yep yepp!!!
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Ok, so I have been CRAZY busy this week and got a lot of shit going on... I also had to take time out to do a quick sync job for a sample on a project that a friend is working on which basically delayed this by an extra night where I could have been working on this, BUT...

I'm glad that I took the breather from this project for a night (for now, nighttime is the only time I have to work on anything like this) because this reconstruction is a royal pain in the neck, horrible, scary, make you wet the bed, nightmare!!! Yes, the results have been very, very promising so far, but this takes a lot of time and patience.

I am discovering, while doing the syncing work, that there was actually a lot of portions that I missed in my notes (which freakin amazes me with how much I have there already) and that a LOT more of the sound effects present on the English version are plagiarized than what I thought initially; something that became extremely apparent when comparing all the audio sources simultaneously and listening to them synced properly to what's on-screen. I am now having to go back over certain spots a few times, comparing to each sources and seeing what's most consistently used amongst all sources and what sounds like it matches what's onscreen. There are a lot of sound effects that appear to be correct in the English version, until you compare them to the dubs or the 16mm print English audio (which actually contains a lot of the same effects, where the LD/DVD/BD do NOT) and when you listen side-by-side to them - you realize they do not match at all.

Because of this and having to re-check everything as I assemble the track, I am just getting to the beginning of the fifth minute of the entire film(!) I just got done re-inserting the first instance of missing foley, where I had to eliminate the actual dubbed dialog before I inserted it onto the English track. I am having to re-adjust the "noise-plain" track on a regular basis when inserting the missing pieces of audio, in order to help maintain a more seamless transition from one source to the other back to the first and so on (depending on which source I'm splicing in and there is a few)

What makes everything even more of a hassle, is the fact that NONE of the audio tracks are consistent in quality, with some of them changing from shot to shot; where for a 5 second clip, I need to go between source A, to source C, to sourced D, back to source A, to source B and back to source A for the 5-6 second mark... (sorry if it's confusing to read, but just imagine trying to assemble it) and all of this just to keep a consistent quality throughout the entire thing.

This is why I am moving so slowly with this. Because every second (nearly) has to be evaluated and (something that's not is my notes) I have to determine the best source for each splice and I don't know if it works until I try it. There is no "all-in-one easy fix" to this. Lots and lots of trial and error with nearly each second of audio. The result will show the effort, that much I am sure of. And I think it's worth it because it's the only way to do this right. If I wanted something half-assed, I'd just stick with the "restored" BD audio... LOL, what a freakin joke that is!

Now, looking at worst case scenario, if I am only able to process one minute of audio per night, then this will be done by the end of May. Do I think it will take that long?? Hmmm... that's a hard one to answer. Of course, I'd love to have it done tonight, but that's just not realistic. Can it be done quicker? I sure hope so, but if things continue the way they have been going (and if my personal life remains as busy as recently, which it will for at least another month) then late May is a realistic time frame of when I would expect to be done with this for sure.

So, if there are not many updates from me about this within the next few weeks, just know this:

It IS being worked on and it WILL get finished, but a little patience might be needed before it's completedWink
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(2016-03-23, 12:48 AM)crissrudd4554 Wrote: His Facebook name is Janos Snuggles McStabber. Whether he actually owns that disc or just had the image I dont know.

Hmm. Any way to track down an actual owner of a copy of this disc ? It'll be a greater help (i think) for Jerry and his tremendious work, especially since we know that the Frank film is so messed up.

BTW: I know that it's not the best place to ask this, but since it's about the same film... Anybody knows if there are some elements out there that can be used as bonus features that weren't included in any dvd/blu-ray releases (Lobby Cards, radio recordings with original film cast, Independant documentaries about the making of the film or cast & crew, original release trailer(s), rare pictures/images, shooting scrit, etc) ?

Thanks to answer
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If someone here could reach out to the guy and see if that could end up being a viable option, I'd appreciate it. I already have my work cut out for me on this one and have a sh*t-load of sources. Yes, that one would be great to have, but I'm not getting my hopes up or waiting on that. If it becomes available, great and if not, this reconstruction will be completed anyway.

On side note: I have been trying to track down a copy of the actual original release trailer for a long time but all I have ever found is those damn re-release trailers. Shooting scripts exist out there, but their authenticity is a hazy matter. Any old radio interviews with cast would be freakin sweet!
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@crissrudd4554: Have you tried to ask on this facebook page if anyone in this group could provide a "raw" copy of this disc ?
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I'll send him a message later today. Ive spoken to him a few times but it hasnt been for a few months. I'll see what he says. Worst case scenario is it was just an image he had or he doesnt wanna send it out to us. Who knows? Maybe he has tools or a close friend that could capture it for us. We'll see. Plus check this out. This is a reissue trailer but I think its sourced from the original trailer. Note that every shot in this video is alternate take compared to what was used in the film??? This trailer, as well as the original Dracula trailer, are on a DVD called Heroes of Horror which I have.


And again jerry take your time. We know youll work on it when you can. Though that does bring up a question Ive been meaning to ask. Hows progress on the straight LD sync with the couple fixes since the one youre working on now I assume is the reconstructed version??
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