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Harry Potter - extended editions
LAST EDIT: 2017-12-27

These are the deleted/extended scenes, all available in HD on Blu-ray:
  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) (8m54s)
    • Dudley’s New School Univorm (0:54)
    • Petunia Cracks Eggs with Letters Inside (0:37)
    • Tube Ride (0:38)
    • Kids Leave Girls’ Bathroom (0:20)
    • Harry Sits by Fire in Great Hall (1:00)
    • Harry Finds Nicolas Flamel Card (1:57)
    • Snape Classroom (Extended) (3:28)

  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) (about 17m)
    • Floating Cake
    • Borgin & Burkes
    • Exiting to Knockturn Alley
    • Flying Car Over London
    • Harry Finds Kwikspell Letter
    • Harry Meets Colin Creevey
    • Dark Arts Exam
    • Rogue Bludger
    • Harry Meets Justin Finch-Fletchley
    • Arry Sits with Hedwig
    • Harry Overhears Harry Runs into Hagrid
    • Ron and Hermione Question Harry
    • Polyjuice Preparation
    • Crabbe & Goyle
    • Ron Remembers Tom Riddle
    • Harry Tells Ron about Hagrid
    • Harry and Ron Use Invisibility Cloak
    • Finding Flying Car in Forbidden Forest

  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) (4m49s)
    • The Knight Bus Spins (0:30)
    • Hagrid Swats at a Bird (Extended) (0:41)
    • Harry Receives Sneakoscope in the Great Hall (1:05)
    • Sir Cadogan Asks for the Password (0:38)
    • McGonagall Lectures Students About the Password (1:55)

  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) (10m08s)
    • Students Sing the Hogwrats’s Hymn
    • Durmstrang Dating Etiquette
    • Harry Misses Cho
    • The Yule Ball Band (Extended)
    • Karkaroff and Snape at the Ball
    • Mad-Eye Warns Harry (Extended)
    • Debating Crouch’s Murder and Clues
    • Investigating Snape and Karkaroff

  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) (about 17m)
    • Professor Trelawney Eating in the Great Hall (Extended)
    • What Nevill Heard About The Daily Prophet (Extended)
    • Students in Gryffindor Common Room (Extended)
    • Professor Umbridge Evaluates Professor Trelawney (Extended)
    • Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle Bullying
    • Filch Blows Out Professor Umbridge’s Hair
    • Harry, Hermione and Professor Umbridge in the Forbidden Forest (Extended)
    • Harry Enter’s Professor Dumbledore’s Office
    • Harry Packs and Talks with Ron

  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) (6m48s)
    • Harry and Hermione Walk Through the Walls of Hogwarts (Extended) (0:29)
    • Harry and Hermione Discuss Marauder’s Map (1:02)
    • Harry, Ron and Hermione Discuss the Vanishing Cabinet (1:06)
    • Harry and Dumbledore Arrive at Cave Entrance (Extended) (0:41)
    • Harry and Dumbledore Leave Cave (0:21)
    • Clouds Gather Over Hogwarts as Flitwick Conducts Choir (Extended) (1:42)
    • Harry Joins Ron, Hermione and Ginny in the Common Room (0:43)
    • Harry and Hermione Discuss Ron at Astronomy Tower (Extended) (0:43)

  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010) (10m54s)
    • The Burrows Shed (0:41)
    • The Dursley's House (0:52)
    • Dudley and Harry (2:05)
    • The Granger House (0:27)
    • Ministry of Magic Lifts (1:51)
    • Tent (1:38)
    • Rabbit Chase in the Forest (1:28)
    • Montage - Ron and Hermione Skimming Stones (1:52)

  8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011) (6m33s)
    • Shell Cottage (1:16)
    • Harry and Luna at Dobby's Grave on the Beach (1:51)
    • Hog's Head (0:53)
    • Marble Staircase - Harry & Ginny (0:31)
    • Wooden Bridge (0:30)
    • Hogwart's Battlements (0:23)
    • Slytherin Dungeons (0:42)
    • Marble Staircase - Ron & Hermione (0:23)
List of shots that are not supposed to be in the movies or deleted scenes; they are found on TV spots and trailers - in green the ones I have personally checked, in bold the ones not listed there, in red the ones that have to be confirmed that are not actually in the movie:
  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
    • Hermione: “He’s rather disagreeable, isn’t he?” (Some TV spots)
    • Dumbledore: “And most importantly of all” (TV Spot)
    • Dumbledore: “No magic is to be used between the classes in the corridors” (Theatrical trailer) (AUDIO ONLY!)
    Hagrid and the Xmas tree (BD trailer 00058)
    [Image: HP1_trailer00058_Hagrid_and_the_tree.jpg]
    Hagrid with Harry, Ron, Hermione (BD trailer 00058)
    [Image: HP1_trailer00058_Hagrid_and_the_trio.jpg]

  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
    • Extended shot of Chamber of Secrets Slide (TV Spot, BD trailer 00025)
    [Image: HP2_trailer00025_slide_extended.jpg]

    Harry runs (BD trailer 00039)
    [Image: HP2_trailer00039_Harry_run.jpg]
    Harry holds the sword (BD trailer 00039)
    [Image: HP2_trailer00039_Harry_sword.jpg]

    Newspaper (background is different) (BD trailer 00039) unusable because shorter
    [Image: HP2_trailer00039_newspaper.jpg]

  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
    Harry surprised (BD trailer 00110)
    [Image: HP3_BDtrailer110_Harry_surprised.jpg]
    • Flying marge different position (BD trailer 00109) unusable because shorter
    [Image: HP3_BDtrailer109_flying_Marge.jpg]

  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
    • Moody entering class room (International trailer)
    Death Eaters attack (trailer 2)
    [Image: HP4_trailer00027_Death_Eaters_attack.jpg]
    Ron and Professor McGonagall (alternate take) (trailer 2)
    [Image: HP4_trailer00027_Ron_and_Mc_Gonagall.jpg]
    Statue zoom in (trailer 2)
    [Image: HP4_trailer00027_Statue_zoomin.jpg]

  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
    • Ron supporting Harry (trailer)
    • Full Bellatrix/Sirius duel (BTS and a bit is seen in the teaser trailer)
    • Dumbledore: “Don’t fight him Harry, you can’t win, not on his terms” (TV spots)

  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
    • Slug club toasting (trailer)
    • Mr. Weasley: “Times like these, dark times…” (AUDIO ONLY!) (trailer 4b)
    • Dumbledore: “My life, I’ve seen things that are truly horrific” (AUDIO ONLY!) (trailer 4b)

    • Dumbledore: “And I know you’ll see worse” (trailer 4b)
    [Image: HP6_trailer3a_Now_you_ll_see_worse.jpg]
    • Snape: “It’s over” (trailer 4b)
    [Image: HP6_trailer3a_It_s_over.jpg]
    Dumbledore: It's also a lie! (trailer 3a)
    [Image: HP6_Champion_it_s_also_a_lie.jpg]
    • Tom screaming (trailer 4b)
    [Image: HP6_trailer3a_Tom_screaming.jpg]
    • Wands up (different take) (trailer 4b, featurette 2)
    [Image: HP6_featurette2_wands_up.png]
    • Dumbledore sets the wardrobe on fire (different take) (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_closet_on_fire.jpg]
    • Dumbledore trying on ring (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_Dumbledore_ring.jpg]
    • Greyback disarming Ginny (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_Ginny_disarmed.jpg]
    • Tom: "I can speak to snakes, too" (different take) (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_I_can_speak_to_snakes_too.jpg]
    • Snowing on Hogwarts (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_snowing.jpg]
    • Hogwarts by night (trailer 4b)
    [Image: HP6_trailer3a_Hogwarts_by_night.jpg]
    • Tom sitting (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_Tom_sitting.jpg]
    • Voldemort frames (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_Voldemort_frames.jpg]
    • Tom: "Who are you?" (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP6_trailer1_Who_are_you.jpg]
    • Flashback (trailer 4)

    [Image: HP6_trailer3a_flashback_1.jpg]
    [Image: HP6_trailer3a_flashback_2.jpg]

  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010)
    • Deleted shot of Ollivander (Trailer)
       may be the same shot found onto the featurette?!?
    [Image: HP8_featurette_Ollivander.jpg]

  8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011)
    • Death Eaters apprehending Griphook (trailer)
       may be the same shot found onto the featurette?!?
    [Image: HP8_featurette_two_Death_Eaters.jpg]
    Attack on broom (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_attack_on_broom.jpg]
    Harry's pain (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_Harry_s_pain.jpg]
    [b]• [b]Harry and Voldemort (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_Harry_and_Voldemort.jpg]
    Hogwarts hits
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_Hogwarts_hit.jpg]

    • [b]Lily and Petunia
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_Lily_and_Petunia.jpg]

    [/b]• [b]Nagini scene
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_Nagini_scene.jpg]
    Trio hiding from light in Hogsmeade (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_trio_hiding.jpg]
    Snatchers running in forest (trailer 1)
    [Image: HP8_trailer_1_Snatchers_running.jpg]
    Snape walking to Godric’s Hollow (trailer 1)
    • Snape in front of Godric’s Hollow (trailer 1)• Harry and the others on the minecart (trailer 1, featurette)• Ron and then Death Eater in Hogsmeade (featurette)• Destroyed barrier (trailer 1, featurette)• Zoom out on Harry's eye (featurette)• Snape in front of Godric’s Hollow (featurette)• Dragon flies away (shorter, different version) (featurette)• Harry on the ground (featurette)• Harry and the others on the minecart 2  (featurette)• Ollivander (featurette)• Two Death Eaters  (featurette) • Voldemort: “Why do you live?” - Harry: “Because I've got something worth living for.” (trailer, featurette)

  • total time of extended/deleted scenes includes parts included in the theatrical; hence, effective time of scenes not present in the TC could be a lot less.
  • all BD deleted/extended scenes are available
  • all BD trailers are available
  • trailers color grading is almost always different than BD (better?)
  • trailers have often different title sequences
  • all trailers are checked, and shot images are added
AFAIK the first two films are available as extended versions on Blu-ray Ultimate Editions; some of the other following four films could be as well, also broadcasted on ABC; it seems that no HP 7 and 8 were released as extended versions those were broadcasted by FreeForm, along with (all?) the others.

I'm aware of ADigitalMan extended version fan edits, but they are only SD; don't know about other HD attempts.

Further info and confirmations are needed and greatly welcome!

babouin for all the BD extended/deleted scenes and BD trailers
Lio for two HP6 and one HP8 trailers
TomArrow for many links
menzerin for general help
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Only the first two films were available extended on ultimate BD Editions.
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
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(2017-05-22, 02:03 PM)MrBrown Wrote: Only the first two films were available extended on ultimate BD Editions.

It is what I supposed...

But there are rumors that HP 3, 4, 5, 6 were broadcasted on their EE versions on ABC, Freeform, and possibly other channels, in HD.
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HP 6 and 7 on Freeform are confirmed to have extended scenes included - can't say for sure if all of them are present, though.
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HP 6, 7, 8 on Freeform have deleted scenes (not all), confirmed, on the vault. 5.1 English track.
HP 3, 4, 5 will be captured next week, we'll see if they are the same, but it's probable.

It seems that only HP 1...5 deleted scenes have Italian audio, while 6...8 have only Italian subs - probably it's the same for other languages; if someone could check his DVDs/BDs, it will be great.
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A little update: all the extended/deleted scenes are in the vault (thanks babouin!); HP 6, 7, 8 open matte on Freeform are the extended versions (in the vault), and HP 3 and 4 are downloading (thanks OperatorIV!); sadly HP 5 wasn't captured, so for now the audio track of its deleted scene would be a simple upmix.

I haven't checked all and every scene (yet) included in HP 6, 7, 8; what I can say is the unfinished ones are obviously not present, but I think it's possible to fix the green screen ones.

So far, this is the situation:


HP 1     YES  YES      YES      YES      ?       YES                    ?  YES        YES YES
HP 2     YES  YES      YES      YES      ?       YES                    ?  YES        YES YES
HP 3     YES  YES      YES      NO      YES      NO                    YES NO         YES YES
HP 4     YES  YES      YES      NO      YES      NO                    YES NO         YES YES
HP 5     YES  YES      YES      NO      YES      NO           (N.A.)-> YES NO         YES YES
HP 6     YES  YES      YES      NO      YES      NO                    YES NO         YES NO
HP 7     YES  YES      YES      NO      YES      NO                    YES NO         YES NO
HP 8     YES  YES      YES      NO      YES      NO                    YES NO         YES NO
Thanks given by: born113
(2017-06-11, 06:12 AM)spoRv Wrote: A little update: all the extended/deleted scenes are in the vault (thanks babouin!); HP 6, 7, 8 open matte on Freeform are the extended versions (in the vault), and HP 3 and 4 are downloading (thanks OperatorIV!); sadly HP 5 wasn't captured, so for now the audio track of its deleted scene would be a simple upmix.
Hello Andrea,

as promised in our PM's, I'm chiming in here as well! Wink
I'm new to this forum, but decided to register specifically for your Harry Potter extended editions thread and your work on the open matte versions! I'm really impressed and can't wait to see the result!

Regarding the audio tracks of the HP 5 deleted scenes: as the UE BD's of HP 3 and 5 only have 192 kbps AC-3 stereo sound for the deleted scenes, I'm guessing that when ABC Family made their 5.1 tracks they also had to simply upmix those parts. Or did they really have access to the source material? I doubt that.
By the way, where did you find the Italian tracks for the deleted scenes? I haven't been able to find those, except for the official Extended Versions of HP 1 and 2 of course.

Continue the great work! Smile

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Freddy, welcome to our little big community!

Dunno if Freeform had access to source material, but I think it's quite possible, as the English track is 5.1 384kbps (Spanish is 192kbps - I think the same found on DVDs); indeed, Italian track for deleted scenes (from 1 to 5) is available on DVD, along with other languages; sadly, they don't exist for HP 6, 7, 8...

Thanks, I'll continue my work - slowly, perhpaps.
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Thanks for the warm welcome! Smile

Regarding the English sound of the deleted scenes of HP3: I looked (with Audacity) at the sound of the two deleted scenes that are included in the Freeform version (the extended flying bird scene and the Sir Cadogan scene) and both are clearly upmixes and, in the case of the flying bird, they cut and pasted it together (rather poorly) from the theatrical sound, so... If you're capable of upmixing it yourself, based on the stereo sound from the UE BD, then I think the end result would be a lot better! Wink
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Thanks for the advice!
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