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Interesting stuff. Good luck with the project.
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Thank you. I am not sure where to upload them or if there would be sufficient interest. Any suggestions? Per spleen regs, i could not post them there as they were not strictly speaking edits or preservations. Maybe the blu would be a better choice...
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How did you do the B&W conversion? Just 0 saturation and more contrast or did you do fine-tuning for each shot tuning the amount of luminance from each colour channel?
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The 'No Country' frame grab looks very dynamic. Nice.
Ive tried a few films out by dropping the saturation and boosting the contrast, mainly in real time adjusting my Graphics Card settings as I view.
L.A Confidential was a good one that would fit nicely into your collection.
Spielberg's War of the Worlds was another I remember looked great.
Good luck with your projects good sir.
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Blade Runner, I believe, qualifies for a noir look. Especially the original with Deckard's voice-over.