2017-12-13, 12:13 AM
I confess: I'm a crazy project maker, fan restoration/preservation lover, and I'm guilty of many things!
First of all, I presume to be responsible to fix/improve EVERY movie - a sort of film fixer superhero
much more than what I can manage; and each time that I promise myself "no more, not unless you will release something", someone bring to my attention a new movie "that can't be left as it is", or "should be improved, fixed" etc.
And my ego is too big to refuse, to pass; can't resist the challenge! At the end, I have more than 10TB full of half-finished projects, multiple audio/video sources, huge temporary files that "would be used soon"... sometimes it happens, but too many titles are still there, waiting for a release.
Memory: as anybody knows, my memory lacks; I try to write down everything, to save any single useful file, but sometimes I forget to do that, then time pass, then someone, after months, writes to me "Hey, do you remember...?" - and, every time, I answer that no, I don't remember, which is not an excuse, but a sad truth... maybe it's because I'm getting old, my neurons started to die too fast, dunno! So, don't worry to repeat me things, you have to!
Tools: I continue to use the old avisynth, even if I'm well aware of better software around... or, maybe, let me say easier, not always better... if I can do everything with this, why should I bother to start to learn something new? "If ain't broke, don't fix it!" - yes, I know, I'm an old dinosaur, but you know what? I love to be a T-Rex!
Another problem is the release time: often I write that "this will be ready in X days/weeks/months", and many times it doesn't happen. Sometime I feel stuck, because I lack the knowledge, or I can't find a good filter, or a satisfing source, so that project is halted - letting people sad or angry.
So, I'm sorry for anybody who's still waiting for a certain release; please understand this: I do my projects primarily for me! Then, I release them to let others be happy with them, to have fun, to watch a movie in a different/better way. And remember, I'm not paid to do them; at the contrary, I spend a lot of time on them, and quite some money in electricity, internet connection, hardware, sources etc.
With this, I don't want to ask anything to anybody - even if I must admit it was a pleasure to see ONE donation lately, that would help to buy that famous HDD so much needed - but at the same time I can't do every... single... project!
Said so, I'm happy to have found again a motivation to start again with fresh ideas, and techniques; found many member that helped a lot, and hope to release "that huge saga everybody knows" as a Xmas gift!
A hint for anybody crazy enough to think to start his "career" as a project maker: FOCUS on a SINGLE project, at least at the beginning; I know that the "restoration fever" is strong, but you have to resist... think that a difficult project could take months, years to be finished, so don't split your attention between several ones, but choose THE one you want to make before every other - the film you love, the movie that must be saved, the title nobody cares but you - and stick with it. After your first release, you'll find out that, even if many people (if you are lucky) have actually downloaded your projects, only few would leave a "thank you" or post a comment, but slowly, you will build up a fan base; it will be rewarding to know that someone else, apart you, your family and your cats/dogs, is eagerly awaiting for your next move...
Thanks to anybody here; we are growing slowly, but steadly, and hey, it's a niche world, at the end!
First of all, I presume to be responsible to fix/improve EVERY movie - a sort of film fixer superhero

And my ego is too big to refuse, to pass; can't resist the challenge! At the end, I have more than 10TB full of half-finished projects, multiple audio/video sources, huge temporary files that "would be used soon"... sometimes it happens, but too many titles are still there, waiting for a release.
Memory: as anybody knows, my memory lacks; I try to write down everything, to save any single useful file, but sometimes I forget to do that, then time pass, then someone, after months, writes to me "Hey, do you remember...?" - and, every time, I answer that no, I don't remember, which is not an excuse, but a sad truth... maybe it's because I'm getting old, my neurons started to die too fast, dunno! So, don't worry to repeat me things, you have to!
Tools: I continue to use the old avisynth, even if I'm well aware of better software around... or, maybe, let me say easier, not always better... if I can do everything with this, why should I bother to start to learn something new? "If ain't broke, don't fix it!" - yes, I know, I'm an old dinosaur, but you know what? I love to be a T-Rex!

Another problem is the release time: often I write that "this will be ready in X days/weeks/months", and many times it doesn't happen. Sometime I feel stuck, because I lack the knowledge, or I can't find a good filter, or a satisfing source, so that project is halted - letting people sad or angry.
So, I'm sorry for anybody who's still waiting for a certain release; please understand this: I do my projects primarily for me! Then, I release them to let others be happy with them, to have fun, to watch a movie in a different/better way. And remember, I'm not paid to do them; at the contrary, I spend a lot of time on them, and quite some money in electricity, internet connection, hardware, sources etc.
With this, I don't want to ask anything to anybody - even if I must admit it was a pleasure to see ONE donation lately, that would help to buy that famous HDD so much needed - but at the same time I can't do every... single... project!
Said so, I'm happy to have found again a motivation to start again with fresh ideas, and techniques; found many member that helped a lot, and hope to release "that huge saga everybody knows" as a Xmas gift!
A hint for anybody crazy enough to think to start his "career" as a project maker: FOCUS on a SINGLE project, at least at the beginning; I know that the "restoration fever" is strong, but you have to resist... think that a difficult project could take months, years to be finished, so don't split your attention between several ones, but choose THE one you want to make before every other - the film you love, the movie that must be saved, the title nobody cares but you - and stick with it. After your first release, you'll find out that, even if many people (if you are lucky) have actually downloaded your projects, only few would leave a "thank you" or post a comment, but slowly, you will build up a fan base; it will be rewarding to know that someone else, apart you, your family and your cats/dogs, is eagerly awaiting for your next move...
Thanks to anybody here; we are growing slowly, but steadly, and hey, it's a niche world, at the end!