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Thanks alleycat for making the WEB-DL watchable, all that debris in the print used was quite distracting before your cleanup and regrain.
Hoping a remastered 4k uhd or at least bluray comes out in the not to distant future, until then this will do nicely.
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So I've decided to do a updated version of this with the Italian audio, plus any other audio I can add, but if you already have the previous version the only difference will be the extra audio. spoRv when you have a spare moment could you send me the Italian audio? Thanks
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Looking forward to it! Thanks Alleycat.
SpoRv, does the DVD include Italian audio also in the post credit scene? I can easily see them forgetting to leave it in.
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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I found the Italian DVD along with Italian, German, Spanish tracks (and English and French too, but you have these) - and yes, the final scene is in Italian, of course!
I fondly remember the Italian laserdisc... I'd like to capture it when I'll have it back with me (read: do not count on it on recent future, though!)
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Great so the project is now updated, the same as before with the addition of German, Italian and Spanish audio.