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Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)
Thanks alleycat for making the WEB-DL watchable, all that debris in the print used was quite distracting before your cleanup and regrain.

Hoping a remastered 4k uhd or at least bluray comes out in the not to distant future, until then this will do nicely.
Thanks given by: alleycat
So I've decided to do a updated version of this with the Italian audio, plus any other audio I can add, but if you already have the previous version the only difference will be the extra audio. spoRv when you have a spare moment could you send me the Italian audio? Thanks
Thanks given by: Evit
Looking forward to it! Thanks Alleycat.
SpoRv, does the DVD include Italian audio also in the post credit scene? I can easily see them forgetting to leave it in.
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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I found the Italian DVD along with Italian, German, Spanish tracks (and English and French too, but you have these) - and yes, the final scene is in Italian, of course!

I fondly remember the Italian laserdisc... I'd like to capture it when I'll have it back with me (read: do not count on it on recent future, though!)
Thanks given by: Evit
Great so the project is now updated, the same as before with the addition of German, Italian and Spanish audio.
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(2020-09-24, 02:26 PM)alleycat Wrote: Great so the project is now updated, the same as before with the addition of German, Italian and Spanish audio.

I've just seen your post, so I wanted to tell you that I could share with you the European Spanish track, but I realised spoRv has already done that, so...

Anyway, I'm still really interested in your project since it's one of my favourite chilhood films. Wow, it really brings back so many memories... Good job!
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