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I'm looking for information on some of the DCP rips that are out there, specifically around where they came from and how they were ripped.
The only ones that I've seen out in the wild are Apocalypse Now (which looks to be a legit DCP) and Hateful 8 (which seems to be debatable on weather it's from a DCP or not). If there's any others please let me know. Were these releases from a DCP sent to theaters, that was somehow intercepted and decrypted? Or was it just someone involved in encoding the DCP that leaked it before it was encrypted. Cracking AES is no easy task, I'd imagine if it was figured out that would be public information by now.
On a related note, if it was possible to rip a DCP, would it be possible to rip the audio in a way that preserves the Atmos data? From what I understand the home and cinema versions of Atmos are different codecs, but the object data is compatible with both.
I'd love to know if anyone has any more info on this. And if there's any info you'd like to share that isn't public for whatever reason feel free to PM me.
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From what I know (and take this with a grain of salt):
AN: is a real 2K DCP but is based on an old 2K video master so it doesn't look great compared to the new 4K remaster. The sound is pretty good based off all accounts.
H8: last I heard is not a DCP and comes from a Russian VOD service.
and there is Back to the Future DCP which still a mystery as to whether that is a real DCP or some HD master. The MKV floating out there is 1080p but rumor has it there use to be pics posted (on avsforum?) that were in cinema 2K format. Regardless, like AN, it is based on a old 2K scan.
AN (and maybe BTTF) was not encrypted when it went to theaters. It was thought old films didn't need encryption since no one would steal them. That was wrong and now those DCPs are encrypted. Pretty much everything except maybe trailers is encrypted now.
DCPs are in JPEG2000 format. Basically a folder of picture files. So converting that into 264/265 is easy. Most DCPs come with either PCM or Atmos. Rarely DTS-X, etc. The PCM will most likely play on home equipment as is. The Cinema Atmos is different from the home version and by all accounts can't be used on a home receiver. The format package is different to start with. Dolby makes a system for translating the objects from cinema form to home form but that is a different beast.
As for cracking AES encryption on a DCP, good luck. It can be done but the task is so difficult and time consuming on class-A equipment as to be a worthless in light of UHDBDs.
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AN is 100% an unlocked Dcp and now pointless as Pdb stated, the Eagle 4k disc is a million times better.
BTTF is still up in the air in places, but I am 100% it's the broadcast master based ad the Dcp's I saw were DNR fests like the blurays.
There are a ton more on trackers but nobody is seeding them and never has, I had The Martian in my downloader for a year and got nothing down at all.
AES is undefeated due to rarity of sources and how well the encryption was implemented.
PDB is right again in the audio, best you can get is the Pcm and that ain't a bad thing in my eyes
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They were the native DCP files, and since I never got them I have no idea sadly.
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Anyone know how Hateful Eight compares to the blu ray, even if it is not from a DCP?
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Not seen H8 download since it hit, but wasn't it an odd fps?
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2022-02-09, 09:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 2022-02-09, 09:43 PM by dvdmike.)
Yeah no way it's a sold or premium product at 25, but it is native 4k isn't it? Or was It? A few of the downloaders back in the day listed it as upscaled.
There was an Avatar listed as Dcp but I dont buy
that's real