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Hi all,
I've been working on a goofy idea for a joke video but am worried about posting it on Youtube. It involves doing a redub of a film. (which I used to do in college for a laugh) I'm only doing selected short scenes and cutting around using the entire sequences. I'm also doing all the audio myself without anything from the film. The goal is to make it like an old incomplete workprint with a different temp ADR audio track.
Has anyone ever tried to do something like this? I'm just terrified of getting copyright strikes. I guess it just depends on if the owner is overzealous or not about taking things down.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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If you're in the US, then it falls under fair use. Should you get a strike, it goes away after a certain amount of time. You need to worry about strikes only if you've already reached your limit.
Bad Lip Reading is at least one YouTube channel that's devoted to what you're talking about.
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2022-06-06, 01:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 2022-06-06, 01:47 PM by Evit.)
If you appeal against a copyright strike, it takes up to 30 days (or 60? I can't remember) for the copyright owner to evaluate the case, and they do take their sweet time. So expect at least a month wait before you can show it to anybody. They can still reject it depending on what prick studio company you are dealing with. Disney allows them most of the times, other studios just flat out reject any appeal even if you're within fair use. It's their way to say "sue us!".
Getting a video blocked these days don't mean much and doesn't affect your channel. Just make sure you don't appeal to three or more copyrght claims at the same time. If it's just something to be shared amongst friends or on a forum (and not to gain youtube popularity), you might want to look into other, less restrictive platforms. I haven't tested it too much but Dailymotion seems to be more forgiving in that sense.
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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If you're worried about something happening to your main channel, just use a throwaway account.
Or use odysee.
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Actual copyright strikes are rare. You may get a content id claim. That means all revenue generated goes to the right holder or those who claim to be so. Your channel wont be affected. But if you change the work a lot, you can do a counter claim for fair use.
The other issue that may happen is that your video gets blocked. Can be a single country or the whole world.
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It gets flagged and YouTube won’t allow it to be uploaded. I guess I can try on my Vimeo account.
They make it so difficult when you just want to share your silly Connery dub with the world…
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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Use Odysee, they double your youtube channel, meaning you link them and anything you post on YT is automatically duplicated on Odysee. Then you link in the YT description the other link if they block your content.
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I’ve finished it finally after lots and lots of tweaking. Since YouTube flagged it I canceled the upload and did more work.
I said to heck with it being voice only and did a new custom stereo mixdown from the 5.1 mix stems. All the dialogue is now entirely me for 37 minutes of random scenes.
Vimeo let me upload a rough version as a private video. Is it better to do Vimeo or daily motion?
The bond Twitter community uploads little short videos all the time. I made a little two minute trailer version and figured I could just say if you want to see the whole thing it’s on Vimeo or something.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader