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2022-10-31, 01:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 2022-10-31, 01:44 AM by Doctor M.)
Copyright lawsuits aside. It is a criminal offense to download off of YouTube. It doesn't matter who owns the material.
So unless you provided a direct download, they are in violation of U.S. laws and YouTube policy.
They usually don't go after individuals, but the do go after websites and software that do this. If a company download something and sold it? Yeah, I think they'd be pissed.
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Shame they didn't give you any credit, or at least reach out and give you a thanks.
I wonder if we can get SC to give an official response on the matter.
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That's terrible. YouTube doesn't take kindly to these kinds of acts.
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Ridiculous. It’s already ridiculous that we do the best we can on our own since officials do little to no research or goof things up. Ridiculous that all information and work is done behind closed doors. Ridiculous that even when trying to help we’re usually locked out or treated with hostility-not to mention having to worry about any work done being gone after by owners.
This isn’t the first time somebody took fan materials but it it’s extremely blatant. It’s also not the first time I’ve seen a label literally just take whatever trailer is on YouTube and slap it on a disc. IIRC Shout has done that many times with horribly compressed old trailer files.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader