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Frankenstein (1931) Audio Preservation
Hmm... Sounds like a research for image elements to scan in HD will be in order, especially if Universal tempered too much and lost some of it. This project is still growing...
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Super, super, super busy lately... Just wanted to let you know that this project is still being worked onWink

Hoping to have this finished before the summer is over. There have been a few parts that proved themselves to be extremely difficult to cut together and I fear that as decent as I can make this, there will still be a couple of portions where it will be noticeable that there is a switch from source to source to source... Been playing some "games" with the material that has also been time-consuming because I'm having to conduct extra tests to match things better. There are instances where I am having to overlay the English dialog over sfx/music (that is pieced together from multiple sources) and there are weird phasing issues because of the work I did matching the sfx/music sources to each other. What this means, is that after matching those to each other and combining them, I then have to re-match them to the English LD audio and ... uhmmm... yeah... this has been a lot of workEyedrop

Hope things are going well for all still following this threadConfuseduperman:
Thanks given by: crissrudd4554
Off topic but I had mentioned the other month ago that one of my dogs was diagnosed with cancer. Sadly she passed away last week at the age of 8. Sweet dog. Definitely quiet without her. I've felt very bad for my grandmother who loved that dog to bits. Lately I've been fearing for my other dog. His arthritis is getting worse, he stumbles, and with summer before us I fear for him with the heat. Just giving him some medication in hopes it tames his arthritis but I worry.
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A quick question thats slightly off topic but does anyone here happen to own the French BD for Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man??
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Nope. Sorry.
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I don't own it, but have a friend that does... Any particular reason that you are looking for that edition?
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Any chance your friend could get a frame grab of this image from the still gallery?? I found this on DVD site but as you can see its small.

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So, googling for images with the French title: frankenstein-rencontre-le-loup-garou (I copied it directly from the link you posted) resulted in me finding your image in the FOURTH row (so on the first results screen) It comes from this article:

[Image: Blu-ray_Frankenstein_rencontre_le_loup-garou_17.JPG]

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Yes I know of that one. The reason I was hoping to get it from the screen grab from the BD is because the one I shared appears a bit less cropped. The one I shared has a border around it and what appears to be holes punched on the left edge as some of the other artworks I have found of the same type have. I know. I'm being picky but those pics are hard to find and I try to find them as less cropped as I can.
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I'm still waiting on a response from my friend...

I understand you want it uncropped, but you realize that a screengrab will be of lower quality due to the resolution (especially after you crop to just the actual image itself) then the image I already posted??
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