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Eurovision Song Contest 2021
Congratulations, Italy!
Was definitely one of the outstanding performances, though I admit that I preferred the Finnish entry. Smile

The UK also didn't deserve their 0 points, it wasn't the worst song and the performance was also fun to watch.

BTW: The German commentary, Peter Urban, did his same routine as always: Bashing almost every other entry (e.g. "Flo Rida - what this must've cost..." after San Marino, "Big-Hair-Day with the Spice Girls from the Balkans - What a few extensions, subtle daytime makeup and unobtrusive summer dresses can do." for Serbia or that he would've expected a better song from Sweden) while he keeps telling how great the German performance was and what a lovely contestant we have. And as always he didn't know why he didn't get points. Guess he's just not allowed to tell how stupid the performance really was, otherwise he would've known that this was just crap. Big Grin
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(2021-05-23, 01:08 AM)spoRv Wrote: Unbeliievable!

Italy won, France second, Switzerland third... and UK zero points...

IMHO UK's song is not that bad, surely better than others.
As well as other songs are better than the first three.

As usual it's mostly political voting and after Brexit where else were we (the UK) going to come!
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I'm amazed that Germany didn't win. Not that I disagree with everybody's judgment, the entry is terrible. But it's exactly the kind of terrible I expected to win. On the other hand, Malta was equally bad yet got 255 points versus Germany's 3 points. UK is bad, but it easily beats those two.

Can't say I really outright liked anything, but these I found ok, in no particular order:
Italy (barely)

All the other songs can be thrown in the garbage as far as I'm concerned.

By sane standards I think France probably was the best entry, so I was pretty surprised to actually see it come high in the rankings.

I would have predicted the following the be very high on the scoreboard: Sweden, Germany, Russia, Cyprus, Malta. (these are my top 5 most terrible entries)
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(2021-05-23, 04:24 PM)TomArrow Wrote: I'm amazed that Germany didn't win. Not that I disagree with everybody's judgment, the entry is terrible. But it's exactly the kind of terrible I expected to win. On the other hand, Malta was equally bad yet got 255 points versus Germany's 3 points. UK is bad, but it easily beats those two.

Germany's entry was just bonkers, but not the enjoyable way - other than Iceland, Lithuania or Ukraine. He was just jumping around the stage until he was totally out of breath and the performance had absolutely no red line. Iceland or Lithuania had their dance-routines with memorable elements while Jendrik was just fooling around as if he forgot to take his medicine. And whoever thought that middlefinger-costume (which wasn't even a middlefinger at the end) was a creative idea should be fired. The Austrian commentary also said (and you could actually hear the twinkle in his eye) right before the performance "The ARD props department did a great job." - ARD is the German broadcaster who's responsible for the ESC here.

After the performance it was just sitting there and asking yourself "What just happened?!". Big Grin
And as always they're trying to blame the others. "The performance was too complicated", "The people didn't get the message of the song" - no, it was just complete and utter crap. That's all! We definitely need some fresh air when it comes to the people who decide about the songs if we don't want to keep defending our place in the bottom three.

(2021-05-23, 04:24 PM)TomArrow Wrote: I would have predicted the following the be very high on the scoreboard: Sweden, Germany, Russia, Cyprus, Malta. (these are my top 5 most terrible entries)

As for Malta they were trying to copy the recipe that worked for Isreal with Netta in 2018 or Serbia in 2015. But while the juries loved it the public didn't like it quite as much. The look on her face after the just 47 points from the public were announced also tells everything:

[Image: vlcsnap-2021-05-23-16h46m12s939.png]
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Maybe people were gonna vote for her but then she sang

"Hell no, I am not your honey
Hell no, I don’t want your money
Got it wrong I ain’t into dummies

so they decided to respect her wish? Wink
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(2021-05-23, 05:00 PM)TomArrow Wrote: Maybe people were gonna vote for her but then she sang

"Hell no, I am not your honey
Hell no, I don’t want your money
Got it wrong I ain’t into dummies

so they decided to respect her wish? Wink

LOL - in this case I hope the lady from Moldova who asked people for sugar is still alright today. Big Grin
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"De gustibus non est disputandum"

Said that, I don't get a song that consists mainly in a single word repeated a hundred time, just with tonal/volume/etc variations.
And I don't like songs that make me sleep or make me uncomfortable to listen to.
I guess ESC is supposed to be a pop music festival, hence welcome to songs that make you dance, or at least move your feet/hand/head to move.

UK didn't deserve zero votes, there were much worse songs; there were also better songs that deserve to win - sure, I'm happy Italy won and subsequently that it would host ESC 2022, but I think I'm too honest to shout that Italian song was the best in this contest; yes, not bad, but lyrics are... meh, and sound was nice but nothing special, if I had to prefer a rock band I'd go with Finland instead.

At the end, "Shum" was the BEST.EVER.TECHNO.SOMETHING.SONG in the Eurovision history. (IMHO)
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@spoRv Ukraine was definitely among the best. Just listened to it to remind myself. It's a bit like a techno-remixed Witcher 3 soundtrack, heh.
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