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If everything goes according to plan, tonight I'll see TENET in Laser IMAX, with premium comfortable seat. Hopefully it will be awesome. If so, I already made reservation for Thursday night in a regular-yet-Atmos-capable theater. And for Monday in Dolby Cinema. Exciting!
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Nice, report back.
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Okay, so TENET:

I liked it, but... it's the kind of movie that needs a second viewing 'cause it's too convoluted, there's a lot to take in, and you get lost in their "explanations". Plus there are scenes that you see twice from another point of view as in Back to the Future 2 when Marty goes back to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance. I've seen it and I still don't get how this reverse thing works. I was also kind of annoyed by the end seeing reversal and forward movement at the same time. It's cool to reinvent the car chase in a movie, but too much of it turns gimmicky. I also didn't feel that the movie flowed naturally, and I think I put that on Ludwig Göransson's score. I believe I missed Hans Zimmer that I think helped with how Inception flowed. I wasn't fully convinced by Kenneth Branagh's acting, his character or maybe it was the writing or his accent: there's a scene where he delivers a "tiger" speech that I could not believe. It lacked verisimilitude as Robert Meyer Burnett would say. Also, maybe I'm getting old, but the sound was so darn loud that it felt cacophonical. What's the point of having 12.1 channel sound if it's not more subtly used? That's also where the score that I didn't like that much comes into play. Overall I liked it, but it has more flaws than I had hoped. It's in the lesser good Nolan's films for me.
Oh, and Nolan still can't direct close combat action: he frames it too close, you cannot really follow the action, and yet I saw it in IMAX, so with extra headroom and chestroom, if that's a word...

But I did enjoy a hell out of the Top Gun: Maverick trailer in full 1.90:1 IMAX AR... but dubbed in French. That'll look sick in Laser IMAX next year.

[Image: qqm99.jpg]
[Image: g8y4K.jpg]
[Image: kZRO9.jpg]
Thanks given by: Hitcher
(2020-08-25, 12:51 AM)Beber Wrote: [Image: qqm99.jpg]
[Image: g8y4K.jpg]
[Image: kZRO9.jpg]

... That does it, I'm moving to France.
Thanks given by: Beber
Unhinged today:

Just saw it in a regular-yet-Atmos theater. I liked it. Way easier to understand than Tenet, for sure. Fat Russell Crowe is great. Some nice, fun and brutal car action. I wish they had pushed the enveloppe and made Crowe the good guy, 'cause, you know, he had a point, but... yeah he kind of over-reacted, I guess. Plus it's Hollywood, so they couldn't really make this guy the good one.
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Okay, so, TENET, for the second time; only this time in regular DCP at 2.20:1 AR in a regular-yet-Atmos theater.

I liked it much better the second time, now that I get a lot more of it. I guess it's inherent to this movie concept that you have to see it twice; after all, there are 2 timelines involved, one forward, the other backwards. But still, Nolan should've made it easier to follow and clearer in its explainations for a single viewing.

I liked it more in every aspect this time, even Branagh's performance, yet I'm still not too fond of the music score. It sometimes sounds like Tron Legacy. And that kind of sound worked for Tron, but not as much for Tenet, in my opinion. Plus it's still meddled with the cacophonic action, especially near the end, in the warfare scene, I guess I'd call that. I also caught references to the "Tenet palyndrom square" in Pompei that are disseminated in the script. I missed those the 1st time.

Funnily enough, right before my screening tonight, I got an e-mail from the French translator who did both the French subtitles and the French dub. He told me it was a hard one to do, especially since he only saw the final product once the subtitles and the dub were complete and that he benefited from the release delay to change some stuff after the fact.

I'm not sure I'll go see it for a 3rd time on Monday in Dolby Cinema since those mofo at the government want to make us wear f-ing masks even during projection and in all the streets starting tomorrow apparently. F that! I even launched the cancellation procedure on my theater subscription when I read about that nonsense yesterday. There's no way I'm going back to theaters in these conditions.
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6 Underground:

Just watched Michael Bay's Netflix movie. It's okay. There's enough action and dumb fun to entertain. Audiowise, for a modern action flick, I wish there were more surround activity, though.
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Mulan (2020):

Just watched it today. It's okay. Not bad, not great, but too conventional (Never seen the animated movie). But the one thing I can't stand is how smooth the picture is. Probably shot digitally, which sucks especially when it comes to a period piece. It looks artificial and video-y, definitely not like film.
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The X-Files: I Want to Believe:

Just watched the director's cut. For some reason it's the only X-Files thing I had never watched yet. It took me 12 years to take the time. I guess the not-so-good reviews suggested there was no rush. Overall it was okay. Not exactly what I expected. It's pretty much a cop thriller with the gross human body part transplant factor for the spooky horror element, plus some psychic visions to add a bit of fantastical and some religion, hence the title. It's like an average "monster of the week" episode they used to make in the series format, except longer and in cinemascope. Cinematography looks very good for that matter. And it's always nice to have some Amanda Peet to watch. Quite an easy on the eye kinda gal.
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The Boys

Its amazing and scares me enough to hope heroes with super power never exist. If Super Heroes existed this would likely be the outcome.
Thanks given by: lionmane

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