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(2017-06-26, 03:54 PM)PDB Wrote: (2017-06-21, 02:02 AM)spoRv Wrote: If PDB would provide the other HDTV source, probably it would have a closer - if not identical - color grading of the available 1HD; let's wait for it - pleeeease! 
Working on it. Just dug it out. It's a 720p raw transport stream from FXX.
PDB, that really does look nice.
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Yeah, I'm working on it. Give me a few days, I need to move stuff around.
It does look good but remember it is Mpeg-2 so you will get a lot of blocking
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I'll patiently wait, though!
Yes, I know it's MPEG-2, but I'm pretty confident that, when merged with the other HDTV and WEB AVC, result would be better than any single source - at least, I hope so...
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OK, now I have PDB's recordings (THANSK A LOT!  ) and started to work on this project again.
I noted that initial logos (20th Century Fox, Dune, Scott Free) are cropped; should I leave them cropped, or replace them with the letterbox versions found on BD? I know for sure there are some OM versions with starting credits in OAR - as well as cropped versions... - so it's not a foolish idea.
Also noted that some shots are full open matte - losing nothing on the sides (or maybe a couple pixel) adding A LOT on top and bottom, while others are zoomed in, gaining something top and bottom and losing something on the sides. Now, as I'm thinking to include a black bars hacked subtitle track, is anybody crazy enough to check which shots are which?
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The whole movie is in a larger frame than BD is better not to insert a picture with black margins, here is not an IMAX edition, but this is just my opinion.
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Yep, the full open matte shots - that are indeed not so full - are limited in comparison to the others, so yes, black bars would be pointless...
Sadly, the FXX version is censored; this seems to not affect only selected shots/scenes, but very often a shot on FXX has few frames missing at the end, without a particular reason... it's very hard to keep it in sync, and it would render the whole reason of using it as third frame for median purposes futile, as the missing frames/shots could not be used for that... luckily, the main English title shot is perfect, so at least it could be used for it.
So, now, I'm forced to find out another source (or more) to get a good logoless version of 1HD capture...
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The IMAX was 1.90:1 was it not?
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some notes on the project, so far: - 4 different sources are needed (web, 1HD, second HDTV (let's say Joj), and a third one, even SD)
- 1HD would be delogo'ed using Joj and even a third source, as Joj has a logo itself that overlaps the 1HD one
- now the delogo'ed version has the logo part replaced with other sources, but with lower quality
- then the web should be regraded using the delogo'ed version
- finally we get a second delogo'ed version, replacing the replaced logo parts with the web ones, higher quality
- "Prometheus" English title would use a median of 1HD, FXX, web
- the shots with English writings ("Scottish island", spaceship presentation) can't use web directly, nor FXX because it's trimmed; probably the delogo'ed version 1 (or even 2) should be good enough
- shots where 1HD is faded due commercial breaks can't be used; they should be replaced by web entirely or, if the color grading is perfect, just for the faded frames
- parts where 1HD has pop-ups should be replaced; probably best result would be obtained using three sources
- "pixellated" dream sequence can't use web as logo replacement; alternative is to use delogo'ed V1, median of three sources, or using directly web
- web would be used for end credits, as well as Fox logo
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At the moment, the protection of Amazon videos online is broken again and the movies are massively pumped out and uploaded to HDB tomorrow I plan to rent Prometheus on Amazon and if there OM there will be downloaded it and I'm sure it will be the best source, I also want to check and buy a movie Doctor Strange (2016) though it's expensive, but I'm also going to take a chance. Yesterday I rented the Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol movie, but alas he did not have IMAX scenes in contrast to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) he was on Amazon with IMAX scenes