2019-01-20, 12:21 PM
(2019-01-20, 10:46 AM)TomArrow Wrote: Yeah, you can, but I am not sure if it's exactly 20ms, that's just from my memory. It might be a different value in actuality.
Just read the manual or google instructions for Delaycut, it's not too complicated. Basically, you can cut off parts from the start or end and you can "glue" together two .ac3 files too (though I'm sure that requires them to have the same properties like channel layout etc., or else it would mess with the result).
Also, just saw the question in your title ... yes, you can edit (as in cut) without losing surround information. Check out "Dolby Stereo" on wikipedia. The surround comes from an analogue matrixing algorithm which is explained in the wikipedia article. It being analogue results in it not really being affected by digital compression too badly. With that said, I wouldn't play around too much with EQ etc. personally, because I think that could potentially mess with the phase of the signal and so on and possibly compromise the ability to dematrix the signal to surround. Though I suppose if you wanted to do such editing, you could dematrix, then do your edit, and then rematrix (or just keep it as 4.0/5.1 or whatever).
Thank you!

Do you have a good software for dematrix surround?
How can I sync the waveforms ?