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Mission: Impossible AC-3 LaserDisc

Has anyone done a bit perfect capture of this stupendous LaserDisc track?  I was going to try experimenting with capturing it myself but I've lost the optical cable that is compatible with my old sound card.  In the time it will take to order a new one, I figured I'd ask if the work has already been done.

I queued up the LaserDisc and the new 4K UHD TrueHD track.  Once adjusted for volume, the AC-3 track is vastly superior in every way.

Thanks ahead of time!

Thanks given by: Stamper , captainsolo
(2019-02-21, 03:45 AM)borisanddoris Wrote: Friends,

Has anyone done a bit perfect capture of this stupendous LaserDisc track?  I was going to try experimenting with capturing it myself but I've lost the optical cable that is compatible with my old sound card.  In the time it will take to order a new one, I figured I'd ask if the work has already been done.

I queued up the LaserDisc and the new 4K UHD TrueHD track.  Once adjusted for volume, the AC-3 track is vastly superior in every way.

Thanks ahead of time!


Sadly, I don't have that LD anymore but I will back your statement about it being an amazing AC-3 track.

That was the first LD that I had an RF-Mod for and I remember my brother and I watching, rewinding and watching again, the fish tank scene. The sub on that track shook the entire room. Just a vicious track. Sad to hear that the more recent media has lost those teeth.
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Agreed, a cracking AC-3 track.

I have this LD and I am still set up for bit-perfect AC-3 capture, if borisanddoris is unable to capture the track then I'm happy to do so (once I've cleared the backlog lol)
Thanks given by: PDB , borisanddoris , LucasGodzilla , captainsolo
I have one question what is the difference between bit perfect 44 and why once converted to 48khz the track isn't bit perfect anymore?
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Bit-perfect means the track is bit-for-bit an exact copy of the digital audio from the disc (like a 1:1 rip). Resampling 44.1kHz to 48kHz (or any other sample rate) will irreversibly alter that bitstream, but if done properly should sound similar in terms of dynamic range, frequency response etc. If you need to resample/process the audio it makes sense to have the best source at hand and that would be the bit-perfect 44.1kHz. It's argued that non-bit-perfect captures can still have value (especially in the absence of any other capture of the particular source) but you are then at the mercy of the D/A circuitry of the player and/or the A/D circuitry of the capture device (or the resampling capability of a digital input capture device).

Bit-perfect is more important (essential, in fact) with regards to capturing AC-3 and DTS from laserdiscs, as the encoded bitstream is packaged within a standard PCM bitstream (44.1kHz for LD DTS, 48kHz for AC-3). If the bitstream is altered in any way the encoded data will be corrupted and cannot be retrieved.
Thanks given by: borisanddoris , Stamper
Since I have never successfully captured AC-3 from LaserDisc, it could take me some time to learn how. I'm still trying to find out if my old Mac Mini (Mid 2010) will even do a bit perfect capture. The last time I tried I used an old as the hills MacBook and had success with testing I did but that computer is on life support and won't do for the capture. So Zoidberg, if you are up for it, I would gladly give praise. I will post here as I make progress on the Mac mini's abilities.

Meanwhile, I'm busy working on syncing the theatrical DTS track of the Vin Diesel classic xXx to the Blu-ray. It's going pretty well so far. The track is quite hot and will not be for the faint of heart.

Thanks given by: nafroe
How does the LD mix sound in the high security vault scene? I noticed during a 35mm screening that we could clearly hear Ethan's feet touching the desk in the silent computer heist scene. These step sounds are quite muted on the current mix.
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I'll have to take a closer listen of that sequence. I have gotten a hold of the theatrical DTS as well so I'll take a listen there too when I get some time.
Thanks given by: Beber , captainsolo
Regarding the xXx audio mix. I can vouch for that. It was an absolute monster at the cinema.
Thanks given by: nafroe
Both the LD 2.0 and 5.1 are correct and accurate. Both have the heavy LFE/bass. Both are identical to the theatrical release prints, which I got to see in both ac3 and standard Dolby SR optical. I'm very curious about the DTS theatrical audio which may be a better presentation.
The LD wipes the floor with the other releases sonically. I'm not 4K capable currently and am dying to see the new 4K disc. Others on BD.com confirmed the audio was essentially the same lossless track from the BD reissues.

You know, I bought the BD of XXX and still have never seen it. I remember at the time it was being held as the alternative to Bond and Die Another Day so I went out my way to not support it back then. I'd be totally expecting it to have an excellent mix as DAD itself is a balls to the wall great track in 5.1, EX or 6.1 ES.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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