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I also concur with what alleycat said.
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Glad you are getting the hang of it.
I'm not that well versed in Resolve, but I've picked a few things up over time with Premiere that makes my life easier. I've started using scene detection to cut the video up into shots, then work through them one at a time. I find that makes error spotting easier but at the same time it takes ages. Sometimes I'll cut a scene that takes place in a certain environment, then apply a LUT to the whole scene, then cut that scene into shots, then double check each shot. I find I miss less errors this way.
Also I find using lumetri scopes helps me to spot issues with black levels. Again this is premiere, but I look for any gaps between the bottom of each color and the bottom of the graph. Sometimes it's all three of them with the same gap in which case I adjust the black levels or sometimes it's just one of them and I adjust with RGB curves. Just depends on the particular LUT.
Look forward to checking this out once it's all done.
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Thanks Alleycat, the scene cut detection in DaVinci seems to work really well - I've not had to use the trick with dissolves or fades yet but I'm sure that will come up soon enough (Total Recall has been all hard cuts so far).
I don't suppose you've got a good guide around what to look for with scopes? I'm a bit lost by what you mean about gaps - I take it the idea is to ensure consistency accross shots though?
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Nice one, that all makes sense - I've definitely noticed a few of the Dre matches come out understurated so glad it's not just me haha. Resolve has RGB Parade too so I'll have a look when correcting those shots to try and make to sure it looks right.