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[Released] Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Director's Edition - The Anti-DNR Fanedit v2
[Image: skojNT8.png]
Background on the film

The original release date of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" was on a tight schedule and what debuted in theaters in 1979 had many rough edges, most noticeably some essentially unfinished FX and a rough sound mix. Several important scenes were cut for time to accommodate often languid cutting for those scenes where effects were completed at the last minute.

The Director's Edition of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" premiered in 2001. It was conceived of by its producers, Daren R. Dochterman, Michael Matessino and David C. Fein, who were longtime Star Trek fans and collaborators with the film's director, Robert Wise.

Robert Wise described the new cut in the liner notes of the original DVD: "Thanks once again to Paramount's support, we have been able to complete the film as "The Director's Edition." In addition to finding a new, and I feel, proper editorial balance for the film, we have also completed those effects shots and scenes which we had to abort in 1979, and have given the film a proper final sound mix. It has been an opportunity which I never believed would happen, and one for which I am grateful beyond words."

The 2001 version was completed in SD, with new effect work by Foundation Imaging. Robert Wise closely supervised the film's cutting, while letting the producers more freely tweak the film's effects. While the 2001 effects cut in fairly successfully with the SD transfer of the film, the fact that it had not been budgeted for an HD master in 2001 limited it to a DVD release. After years of lobbying Paramount, the DE's producers successfully got a greenlight to recreate the edit in HD/4K, working from the most recent 4K remaster of the film that Paramount completed in 2021. Robert Wise passed away in 2005, so this version of the DE was supervised by the producers who kept very close to the 2001 edit, but continued to freely tweak the film's FX. Given their respect for Wise, it's clear they feel these additional changes are within their remit: working from what Wise originally oversaw in 2001.

[Image: b4xHCVZ.png]

My Fanedit

I strongly feel that the Director's Edition of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" is the best version, giving it a necessary final editing pass and finished sound mix. However, the PQ on the 2022 DE is unfortunately quite inconsistent: most noticeably much of the film has been subjected to ugly, aggressive digital noise reduction. The new effects work is also very inconsistent, more understandably so considering their (lack of) resources, but some of it shouldn't have been released as is if they couldn't improve on what they had.

My fanedit syncs all the live action footage from the theatrical 4K master to the DE, eliminating as much obtrusive DNR as possible as well as the often revisionist and wonky color grading used for the DE. It also uses the new effects when needed, but prefers the original theatrical unaltered effects when I felt they were already fully realized. (This is a guideline that is not always strictly followed, both out of necessity as well as personal preference: for example I prefer, and have used, the new matte work on Vulcan). Further work (color-grading, further edits, added grain) has been done to hopefully meld this all together as best it can be. If you are familiar with my old effort to bring the 2001 edit to HD, this follows a similar philosophy.

Video Sources

This edit was completed in 1080p SDR as I do not have the ability to grade or monitor in HDR or 4K.

I worked from these sources:
2021 Theatrical Blu-ray (4K remaster).
2022 "Special Longer Version" UHD (the same 4K master, which I tone-mapped to SDR and matched its brightness with the 2021 Blu-ray).
2022 Director's Edition Blu-ray

The theatrical/SLV master has generally nice quality live action footage, while the DE's live action footage is often aggressively de-noised and features a very revisionist and awkward color grade (frequent use/abuse of power windows and such). The effects footage for both masters is very problematic. The theatrical master often uses a filter that smears all the frames of a shot together, which ruins detail for fast motion, while the DE uses a more traditional, though no less aggressive, temporal noise reduction method combined with sharpening. This often has less fine detail overall but retains detail much better on motion. I tend to prefer the theatrical master for slow-moving model shots as it often looks more natural, while using the DE for fast-moving shots and composite shots with live-action (which are often extremely smeary on the theatrical master). However, this is far from consistent, and many shots do not offer a good option and leave you picking the least bad option or compositing the shots together in various ways to try and minimize the flaws of each source.

Sample Frames and Release Details

Linked below is a general overview of the picture quality as well as some of my changes compared with the DE. This does not cover many of the changes made: nearly every shot is different from the DE, since most of the live action footage has been swapped out for the theatrical master with the special effects reviewed on a per-shot basis. I have also made further adjustments to many, many shots.
Sample frames: https://imgur.com/a/Cq8hwwu

Video: 1080p MKV - 30 GB
Both the video and audio are BD-compliant if you want to remux this for a Blu-ray. This edit runs in sync with the 2022 Director's Edition and you can mux in any audio or subtitles that sync to it. Please support the official release and purchase the official blu-ray or UHD.

1. TrueHD 8ch / Atmos Track [eng]
2. Dolby AC3 6ch / Compatibility Track [eng]
3. Dolby AC3 stereo / Commentary with David C. Fein, Michael Matessino and Daren R. Dochterman [eng]
4. Dolby AC3 stereo / Commentary with Robert Wise, Stephen Collins, Jerry Goldsmith, Douglas Trumbull and John Dykstra [eng]
5. Dolby AC3 stereo / Isolated Score

1. Forced Alien Subtitles - Theatrical “Translation” / These follow the original 1979 subtitles for alien languages with the original typeface. The DE had edited this in an attempt to further obscure that the actors were originally speaking English on set, but I've always found it to be too awkward.
2. Forced Alien Subtitles - DE “Translation” / Direct from the DE Blu-ray
3. English Subtitles
4. SDH English Subtitles
5. Commentary with David C. Fein, Michael Matessino and Daren R. Dochterman
6. Commentary with Robert Wise, Stephen Collins, Jerry Goldsmith, Douglas Trumbull and John Dykstra
7. Text commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda
Also included are an array of subtitles in multiple languages from the official release of the DE.

1.0: Initial Release
1.1: Added more subtitle languages and English SHD subtitles. Both the SHD and non-SDH English subtitles now follow my typesetting for the alien subtitles.
- Finessed (ever so slightly) the opening credits, so hopefully the stars don't come off as too sharp compared with the text
- Swapped out some shots of the Klingons in the opening that had smeary DNR in the 4K theatrical master with some from the Director's Edition.
- Various little tweaks on stray shots to try and reduce obvious DNR artifacts. Most notably the theatrical shot of the tram flying alongside the Golden Gate and the shot of Spock entering the orifice should have less dark ghosting that's presenting in the 4K master (I overlaid parts of the uglier but less smeary 2009 master).
- 35:45 Corrected some glitches on this DE recomp and color graded it to the match the theatrical version's colors for a major boost in detail (v1 uses the theatrical version of the shot).
- 1:54:00 For this shot, I overlaid the CGI tunnel over the equivalent theatrical shot. This gives you the continuity of coming out of the tunnel as in the DE while using the original effect.

Now available! PM me (click my user name and then select “Send iguanaclerk a private message”). Also on myspleen and blutopia.
Awesome, thanks for putting a new version together igunanaclerk
Thanks given by: iguanaclerk
Happy to do it. It's really worth seeing this cut of the film but they made so many sloppy decisions for the UHD (and really the theatrical master does too, it just looks better by comparison).

BTW, thank you for the simple guidelines for tone mapping a UHD to SDR. This was invaluable to get all the live action shots from the SLV UHD that are not otherwise in the theatrical version.
Thanks given by: PDB
You've clearly put a lot of work into this. Huge respect!
Program material is recorded on the other side of this disc...
Thanks given by: iguanaclerk
To commemorate the film's 45th anniversary, I have have a (very minor) update to this project.

  • Finessed (ever so slightly) the opening credits, so hopefully now the stars don't come off as too sharp compared with the text
  • Swapped out some shots of the Klingons in the opening that had smeary DNR in the 4K theatrical master with some from the Director's Edition.
  • Various little tweaks on stray shots to try and reduce obvious DNR artifacts. Most notably the theatrical shot of the tram flying alongside the Golden Gate and the shot of Spock entering the orifice should have less dark ghosting that's presenting in the 4K master (I overlaid parts of the uglier but less smeary 2009 master).
  • Corrected some glitches on this DE recomp and color graded it to the match the theatrical version's colors for a major boost in detail (v1 uses the theatrical version of the shot).
  • Theatrical Wrote:[Image: Wu6I33d.png]
  • DE Wrote:[Image: 6PL47qI.png]
  • Anti DNR v2 Wrote:[Image: lDBfM41.png]
  • For this shot, I overlaid the CGI tunnel over the equivalent theatrical shot. This gives you the continuity of coming out of the tunnel as in the DE while using the original effect.
  • DE Wrote:[Image: R4M3NQY.png]
  • Anti DNR v2 Wrote:[Image: FDSCWsg.png]

Not a ton of updates, but enough to give it a little more polish. Happy 45th anniversary to Star Trek's big screen debut!
Thanks given by: PDB , BusterD , The Aluminum Falcon
Here's what I've been working on of late. The DE's first shot of the Golden Gate Bridge has a bunch of really sloppy Photoshop work (an unfortunate theme across the director's edition), far worse than the original digital matte by Doug Drexler, which is of course low detail, but cuts in fine at SD resolution. I would love to commission proper matte paintings for this (what they should have done for the 4K release), but I think at that point the tram probably needs to be re-rendered and it becomes quite an undertaking. 

The main objection I've always had with this version is they've tried to include super tall "future skyscrapers" like the DVD version, but scaled them weirdly and they stick out: low detail gray masses that don't match the (real) buildings that surround them at all. The twin skyscrapers and the one with the dish (?) look especially like cardboard cutouts. I've just removed them completely for San Fransisco's real skyline and the result looks much better. I might try my hand at adding some scifi ones, but I honestly like the result as-is (and now you can see the Transamerica Pyramid all that better Smile ).

I managed to fix a number of retouching errors, including where they removed the bank of the Presidio, cut off a part of Fort Point and other real weird stuff to the south side of the bridge. I also covered up the bit of the shoreline highway that they forgot about (no cars in the future!).

Here is the result (click to switch between the two). It still looks like a gummy photoshop mess, but I think it's better.
Thanks given by:
I agree that pretty much everything you've done is better! :) My two cents of tiny stuff FWIW...

- It would be nice to salvage at least some of the "futuristic towers" ('tis indeed sad the orig matte painting doesn't have fully detailed skyline buildings as they do look better.) I'd recommend try keeping the "T"(dish?) tower and the four to its right (keeping your removal of from the twin super-tall towers and onward to the left). Maybe shrink the T-tower 30% or so, closer to Drexler's...? Maybe it'll look terrible though...but yours, I feel the skyline needs just a little more futuristic help.

- This might be just me, but my eye wants to see yours pulled a smidge toward blue. As it is it has that kind of cyan-y look ala "this is the closest that CMYK can get to a blue sky in our magazine printing," but again maybe that's just me and if so then ignore. :)

(- Man, that vignetting in the before image, ugh.)

Quote:"...but I think at that point the tram probably needs to be re-rendered and it becomes quite an undertaking."

I vaguely recall when the HD DC came out someone had some comparisons (on TrekBBS maybe?) of the shuttle in this shot (maybe 30-50 frames before your frame here) and the new rendering of the craft looked wrong somehow. (Maybe it was the model itself?) I'm not going to try to find that now, but... Do you want to maybe give a comparison org vs HD DC on one of those frames of the shuttle/tram so we can see what you mean with that?

Anyway, good job! :)
Thanks given by:
Thanks! Yeah, this is a WIP, I want to take at least a shot at a few future buildings, maybe try to use whatever they landed on in SNW or Picard. The green cast was an easy way to try and keep continuity between the first two CGI shots and the final theatrical one. The color cast on the first shot is hard to eliminate, so cyan read a little more like film then deep blue, maybe? I think that was rationale, IDK I'm not wedded to any of it.

(2025-02-07, 02:04 AM)WXM Wrote: I vaguely recall when the HD DC came out someone had some comparisons (on TrekBBS maybe?) of the shuttle in this shot (maybe 30-50 frames before your frame here) and the new rendering of the craft looked wrong somehow. (Maybe it was the model itself?) I'm not going to try to find that now, but... Do you want to maybe give a comparison org vs HD DC on one of those frames of the shuttle/tram so we can see what you mean with that?

I just meant I'm not up to the task of rotoing out the CGI tram and pasting it on a new background Tongue.
The craft looks fine enough in the 1st and 2nd shot (outside of the 1 frame jump) and horrible (along with everything else) in the 3rd shot (I opted for the theatrical shot here).
Thanks given by:
Speaking of of Trek's visions of the future of San Fransisco, I've seen a lot of them at this point and even managed to find the stock footage SNW used for this similar angle of the Bay. Kind of fun to grade it back to sunrise
Thanks given by: PDB
Quote:I just meant I'm not up to the task of rotoing out the CGI tram and pasting it on a new background
I'm up for helping people here and at OT.com with little bits on their projects, I currently have some time for it. Are you talking just a few-seconds-long shot? If you wanted I could pull PNGs (or whatever you give me) into my PS and carefully CLEAR out everything but the craft (for returning the PNGs to you for you to have a clean craft-only shot). I'm very detail oriented, aim for as much invisibility with effects work for the viewer as possible. (And if I find I'm not getting it to look good I can just report back my attempt was a no-go.) But I know some people prefer not dealing with possible messiness of bringing other people in their projects.

Anyway, I'm fine to try to help or not with that, LMK :)
Thanks given by:

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