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2017-04-15, 08:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-04-15, 08:52 PM by dvdmike.)
There was a living daylights mpeg HDTV rip years back, really grainy no DNR and frozen grain like the Blu-ray
Wish I didn't lose that.
I have the cropped Goldeneye hdtv synced to the blu DTS
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Interesting about TLD having a pre-lowry hdtv airing. You don't remember by any chance if it had slightly more vivid coloring like the SE DVD/LD?
As for logos, it's very difficult to tell what may have gone with each film in each country. And then the reissues changed the logos frequently. The only ones I know for sure are:
TLD-LTK: New MGM UA floating silver letters opening to regular UA logo
GE-TND: 90's UA logo+ MGM
TWINE: 90's UA plus MGM 75th anniversary logo
I'm completely down for original foreign dubs but I've noticed that even on the SEs they seem to be a mix of original and various surround/5.1 remixes.
If anyone can point me in the right direction of what kind of a PC to build-I'm dying to do so if only to finally finish this project I started researching when the UEs came out.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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I only know about the logos that were used on the older films thanks to theorists and YouTubers.
And if you're going to color-correct them manually, I must recommend getting BMD output and DaVinci Resolve, not to mention a second monitor.
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The HDTV were not pre Lowry, they were the exact same masters, in early stage, some with digital noise from TV compression.
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But Lowry made them. They were prior the Blu, but not Lowry, they were made by Lowry too.
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I think some of them are still accessible on some russian tracker.
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Those youtube videos are PAL openings to the SE DVDs with best guesses for logos applied. Only OP-TND are correct in logos as they are presented this way on LD and SEs. TWINE gets the 75th anniv MGM logo and DAD the 2000's era MGM.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader