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[proposal] Robocop - Theatrical Cut
I know this was talked about over at OT but as far as I know it's not been done yet so here goes...

Having grown up watching the theatrical cut on British tv (complete with the hilarious replacement swear words) it's always been my preferred version. The extra violence in the directors cut seems OTT - some will say that's the point but to me it uneccessarily distracts from what's a very good sci-fi/action film.

I recently got a hold of the old 'unreleased' theatrical BD from the 'organ (thanks AntcuFaalb) and it actually looks pretty good but obviously not asd good as the 4k remaster directors cut.


What I was thinking of doing is trying to match the colur of the theatrical to the directors cut and then using sections of it to recreate the theatrical cut:


If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions let me know...
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I always prefered the Theatrical Cut. The added violence didn't add anything really.

Perhaps do a alternative audio track with the TV Version dub. It's Awesome.

"Once I even called him......Airhead"
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I'd like to see it
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(2016-12-04, 03:35 PM)CSchmidlapp Wrote: Perhaps do a alternative audio track with the TV Version dub. It's Awesome.

"Once I even called him......Airhead"

Haha yeah, I might need some help with that but defintely keen.


'You are gonna be one bad muthacrusher'
Thanks given by: CSchmidlapp
I actually pitched this over at OT a year or two ago. Never really got anywhere. Even got a rude response from someone saying something like 'why preserve this? Do it yourself?' Etc. Anyways I too was considering pitching this here as I too prefer the theatrical cut. I like the directors cut too but the theatrical is what I grew up watching mostly and in some cases like Murphy's death I think the pacing is better so yeah I'm for this!!

Perhaps saving the audio tracks from the LD would be neat. For some reason the tracks on the MGM releases despite being 5.1 just never sounded right to me but maybe I'm speaking from nostalgia. Despite being a 2.0 track my favorite audio for RoboCop was the Image Entertainment disc.
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(2016-12-04, 04:25 PM)alexpeden2000 Wrote:
(2016-12-04, 03:35 PM)CSchmidlapp Wrote: Perhaps do a alternative audio track with the TV Version dub. It's Awesome.

"Once I even called him......Airhead"

Haha yeah, I might need some help with that but defintely keen.


'You are gonna be one bad muthacrusher'

Im crying Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy
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(2016-12-04, 04:35 PM)crissrudd4554 Wrote: I actually pitched this over at OT a year or two ago. Never really got anywhere. Even got a rude response from someone saying something like 'why preserve this? Do it yourself?' Etc. Anyways I too was considering pitching this here as I too prefer the theatrical cut. I like the directors cut too but the theatrical is what I grew up watching mostly and in some cases like Murphy's death I think the pacing is better so yeah I'm for this!!

Perhaps saving the audio tracks from the LD would be neat. For some reason the tracks on the MGM releases despite being 5.1 just never sounded right to me but maybe I'm speaking from nostalgia. Despite being a 2.0 track my favorite audio for RoboCop was the Image Entertainment disc.

It was your thread I was referring to above Chris - agree that the responses were a bit out of order.

Which LD are you referring to? Is it this one:


I notice from dvdcompare that the first Fox US BD has the original audio in dolby digital 4.0 but not sure how that sounds in comparison

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I was referring to that LD, yes. I also do have the 2007 DVD which has the 4.0 track. I'll have to check it again but I seem to recall it not sounding much different from the 5.1 track that was also included. One thing I did notice was a few minor sound effects were missing from the Directors Cut DVD but were present in the Theatrical cut DVD. There may be more but the ones I've noticed missing is the 'clinking' sound at 1:18 in the first video below as well as the bullet hits at the 2:15 mark in the second video.


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TC all the way. The segue from when Lewis is watching Murphy's dead body to his body being dragged by the hospital staff doesn't work in the DC and just sucks. The over the top violence also makes it cartoony. Verhoeven himself said the censoring made the film more brutal.

The DC is for comic books fans.

The TC is for movie fans.
Thanks given by: crissrudd4554
Also as neat as the puppet was, I think the setup to the final shot to Murphy's head is much better in the TC. Showing Murphy look up in pain and fear, then to Boddicker aiming the gun, then the bullet hit, Murphy's dead! Not to mention the bullet hit is bloodier in the TC. Also showing a closer shot of Boddicker aiming the gun I also think ties in better with the flashbacks later on which also show a closer view of Boddicker firing the pistol.

Also the closeup of Bobby's knee getting shot I dont think was fully necessary, for me at least. The action flows better without it. The farther shot of it getting shot fits fine with the scene IMO.
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