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High-end audio capture cards
(2019-04-18, 07:30 PM)bronan Wrote: I tried to track down one of the ESI Juli@ PCI-E cards but was unsuccessful haha. It's really hard to find one card that does everything. I settled on a little ESI U24 XL for now since I was able to get one used for really cheap and it works great for SPDIF capture. I've also used the analog inputs a couple times for captures, but you need RCA to 1/4" adapters and it tops out at 48kHz sampling rate (which isn't a big deal for laserdiscs at least).

I actually have ESI Juli@ but PCI variant. It's great, but I lost my breakout cable and I am unable to capture digital audio with it, luckily I got my MAYA U5 for this Tongue
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Oh cool I hadn't seen the Maya U5, looks like a good cheap option for digital capture! Have you verified it will capture bit perfect?
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I just noticed higher end focusrite usb devices for external xlr microphone capture feature digital ins on the 6 models and up and it lists captures up to 24/192. Since I was thinking about getting one anyway for a usb mic I was wondering about perhaps getting a higher end one and using the digital in for LD captures.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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The Focusrite's look nice, I've seen a lot of people use them for audiophile vinyl capture. The preamps on them are supposed to be nice and warm. Please let us know how it works if you grab it. I will be putting together a capture howto thread coming up so it'd be nice to have a list of devices that are verified to do bit perfect capture.
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I know the stated purpose was to use a microphone, however slightly related thought: Is "nice and warm" a good thing in the context of fanres? Of course it won't affect digital, but let's say it's also to be used for analogue track captures, I think warmth always indicates some amount of distortion/alteration of the raw audio to create that warm sound, which kind of conflicts with the idea of preserving it as-is.
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I wouldn't say distortion necessarily, I think its more characterized by greater mid range and lessened high range for an overall smoother sound. But then again audio terms can be a little nebulous Big Grin Anyway, yes transparent preamps would be best for preservation. I doubt anyone would really be able to tell the difference between preamps though other than a full on audiophile. The one kind of annoying thing about the Focusrite for capturing is that each input has its own volume adjustment, so you will have to make sure they are equalized. It would probably be easiest to make your own test tone CD and record it through then make adjustments until they equal out.
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Here's another interface from Focusrite, its a little more expensive than the Scarlett 8i6 but the preamps are supposed to be super low distortion and transparent. It does 24/192 of course, but also claims 119db dynamic range. It also has a TOSlink in for digital capture. One annoying thing is if you don't have the very latest USB 3.1 ports you need a wall adapter.

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At that price you'd probably almost be better advised to add another 200 EUR and buy a used RME Fireface 800, which also has 119dB dynamic range and 24/192 as well, except it has way more inputs and outputs.
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I've seen used ones on Ebay for $300 which isnt a bad deal. I'll probably wait for it to drop to the 250 range Big Grin
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Built a new PC with a PCI slot specifically to keep using my M-Audio 2496, but can't seem to get it the drivers to install (see https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/...in7-64-bit and https://homerecording.com/bbs/general-di...lp-405995/ if you want the details). Will keep trying for a bit, but it's probably time to just get a new card. Will probably have to spend a bit more than the $90 I paid for my M-Audio 2496 though...

Thinking about a Focusrite since I want to do analog captures as well, but guess I'll need to get TRS adapters.

Is there a recommended card that's just for analog capture (preferably with at least 24/96 capability)? Was considering a newer M-Audio for analog, and just use the ESI card for digital capture. A quick search of M-Audio VS Focusrite seems to indicate that most people prefer Focusrite, though.
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