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I see no 'import' or 'loadplugin' calls in the script. Sometimes that's necessary, even if the plugin/script is in the same folder as the script.
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(2018-10-01, 12:27 AM)CSchmidlapp Wrote: What can I say, Im on fire today! Ive missed another filter!!! Sorry bud.

Im unsure about the spline64resizeMT error!

Ive updated OP with new instructions.

What processor do you have?

No Worries, lets just say my processor is ancient, was one of the best 4 cores about nine years ago.
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(2018-10-01, 06:19 AM)Doctor M Wrote: I see no 'import' or 'loadplugin' calls in the script.  Sometimes that's necessary, even if the plugin/script is in the same folder as the script.

Not in this case Doctor M. Im afraid it was a case of me writing a subpar guide Sad
To be fair I wrote it very quickly yesterday morning to try and move the conversation away from Ripbot a little.
AVIsynth is an awesome piece of software that is well worth getting into, especially for members here Smile

Im pretty sure AVIsynth + has done away with the need to load plugins this way.
Although Ive never had the need to load a plugin with any version of AVIsynth in the past.
Im no expert and just a beginner really, but Im enjoying the journey Smile
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It's good to hear there's another technique out there for HDR->SDR conversion. So this script can output a lossless AVI if desired?
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X5gb, when you encode in Ripbot264, do you choose "film" or "grain" in the settings? Which one is better, more appropriate for movies?
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I personally go for Grain as I always do two pass high bitrate 30000kps bluray complaint and try and avoid filtering any grain as much as possible.

Saying that I've read a thread that suggests not to use Grain as it can show macroblocking in the dark areas, whether that apples to normal studio releases as well I don't know. Maybe someone with more expertise can pipe in here.

The majority of the encodes I've seen around use Film but a couple are using deblock=1:0:0 which I assume is nothing.
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(2018-10-01, 01:08 PM)zoidberg Wrote: It's good to hear there's another technique out there for HDR->SDR conversion. So this script can output a lossless AVI if desired?

Yes bud, any encoder that accepts avs files.
Thanks given by: zoidberg
(2018-09-29, 02:13 PM)X5gb Wrote: MI I settled on Cont 0.8 and Sat 0.9.

I decided to test my theory of applying the same tweakings within the same studio releases. So I gave another shot at Paramount Mission: Impossible with the settings I came up with for Paramount Red October. And here's what I obtain:

1st attempt with RipBot (-5, 0.9, -1, 0.9) / new attempt (0, 1.1, 0, 1.2)

[Image: r97j.jpg]
[Image: ld8Q4.jpg]

[Image: eo1s.jpg]
[Image: Ed2mk.jpg]

[Image: sasg.jpg]
[Image: bG52p.jpg]

[Image: rwmy.jpg]
[Image: Dd4p4.jpg]

[Image: 8icx.jpg]
[Image: q4bWe.jpg]

To my eyes, the more constrasty look is a lot better and more vibrant, even if it blows out some highlights. X5gb, you were satisfied with a contrast set at 0.8? I already felt at 0.9 that it looks like there's some sort of a hazy veil all over the picture. What to you think of this more contrasty look?

It's still completely off colorwise regarding the matching of a 35mm print and it still looks very ugly inside the CIA corridors and inside the high security vault, though. I can't see how to fix that by myself. I still contend that this new remaster would look a lot better and faithfull to the film look with the Blu-ray colors applied onto it.
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After not knowing if an UHD I possess already was processed by someone here, I decided to make a small overview. Smile

Hope it is appreciated, after, about 31 pages of informations, discussions, and very much screenshots.

Grease (by X5gb)
The Dark Knight (by CSchmidlapp)
The Matrix (by Beber - comparing MadVR vs. RipBot264 vs. Remastered BluRay)
Die Hard (by Beber - comparing MadVR vs. RipBot264 vs. Netflix remaster)
Starship Troopers (by Beber - comparing MadVR vs. RipBot264)
The Dark Knight (by Beber - comparing MadVR vs. RipBot264)
Starship Troopers (new attempt by Beber)
Gladiator (by Beber - MadVR vs. Ripbot264)
Batman Begins (by Beber - MadVR vs. RipBot264 vs. new BluRay)
Blade Runner and The Dark Knight (by PDB) (same Post, so same Link)
Blade Runner (by Beber - MadVR vs. RipBot264 vs. RipBot264 with tuning)
Blade Runner (by Beber - MadVR vs. different RipBot264 tuning)
The Dark Knight (new attempt by Beber - MadVR vs. RipBot264 vs. RipBot264 with tuning)
The Dark Knight setting discussions here and here.
Gladiator (vectorscope check by Chewtobacca)
Men in Black II (by Beber - hue tests on RipBot264 vs. MadVR)
Die Hard (again by Beber - Netflix vs. RipBot264 2different tunings)
Men in Black II (different RipBot264 setting)
Groundhog Day (by Beber - BD vs. jap mastered in 4K BD vs. MadVR vs. RipBot264)
Batman Begins (by Beber, tinkering with contrast settings on RipB
The Dark Knight (by CSchmidlapp)
Batman Begins (by Beber iTunes vs. more contrast)
The Dark Knight (by Beber - iTunes vs RipBot264) continues here and different setting here.
The Dark Knight Rises (by Beber - iTunes vs. RipBot264)
Batman Begins (again by Beber - iTunes vs. RipBot264 vs. new BD)
Mission Impossible (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264)
Mission Impossible II (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264)
Mission Impossible II (by Beber - BD vs. French BRoadcast vs. RipBot264)
Mission Impossible III (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264)
The Matrix (by Beber - remastered BD vs. RipBot264 default setting)
Harry Potter #1 (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264 default settings)
Predator (by Beber - BD2008 vs. BD2010 vs. RipBot264)
Predator (by X5gb - very slow 2 pass grain high quality conversion)
Predator (by Beber - syncronization information for the LD Track)
Predator (again by Beber)
Predator 2 (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264 default settings)
Harry Potter #2 (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264 default settings)
Terminator 2 (by Beber - BD207 vs. RipBot264 tuned)
The Hunt for the Red October (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264 default settings)
The Hunt for the Red October (revisited by Beber - RipBot264 tuned)
Gladiator (by Beber - BD vs. RipBot264 tuned)
Mission Impossible (again by Beber - 1st attempt vs. 2nd attempt)
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
Thanks given by: Evit , PDB
@MrBrown: thanks for the index!

Now, if you can put the list in alphabetical order, start a new thread (like "UHD BD to BD examples") and maintain it updated... it will be great! Wink
Thanks given by: MrBrown

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