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Films that used silver retention / bleach bypass
For "The X-Files," wouldn't that LD transfer be the same one on that original DTS/DD DVD?
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Don't know... as Alien Resurrection LD supposedly used the silver retention print master, maybe it could be the same for X files.
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Don't know if it's destiny, a coincidence, or what... just zapping on TV, and found Fight Club... of course, I'm watching it right now! Yep, definitely a silver retention print - blacks are so deep there in nothing more in it... still don't know if I hate this or love this... I wonder if BD has the same color palette, though!
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The Blu Ray for Fight Club was a complete regrade from the negative, supervised by Fincher. The D-Theater release is the closest to theatrical I believe. I had the 1080i rip once upon a time but I deleted it  Sad
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I must find it... last time I watched was year ago, and now that I watch it with fresh mind, I understand Fincher is a genius, and this is a masterpiece!
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There was also a blu ray released in Germany by Kinowelt which seems to use the same master as the D-Theater release. Was there ever a cap of the laserdisc PCM audio for Fight Club?
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Here is a screen comparison between the two german releases: http://www.dark-red.de/fclub/i_b_br_fclub.html
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
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As far as I know, D-Theater PCM should be 48000KHz 16bit, hence no need to resample from 44100KHz of the laserdisc track... it has Dolby Digital as well - IIRC it has the same specs of laserdisc.

So, once we get the D-Theater, we are done! Big Grin

EDIT: forgot to mention, there is also an open matte version around...
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MrBrown, thanks for the prompt comparison!

Colors are similar, while remasterd BD has more image and details on the side, BUT... they have NOT the blacker-than-black I've watched it on TV until few minutes ago, like the ones from D-Theater:


I'm pretty sure the BD has not that kind of blackness found on it.
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*rubs hands together* Muhahhahh... no talking about it, eh.... *maniacal laugh continues (without bleach)*
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