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[Cancelled] Mad Max 2/Road Warrior Regrade (Warner 97 DVD and LD)
I would disagree with describing the grading of either one as way off from the other. The WB is a little brighter than the Kino, like a slight gamma change, but otherwise the overall look appears quite similar.

The reduction of fine detail in the WB is a more significant difference in my view. Grain is mushier, textures are softened.
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The film was always brighter. The Kino still looks like a cross between the Blu-ray low luminosity look and the actual film.
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Just a note added on this thread, I'm still under the impression that the Road Warrior logo as seen on the Laserdisc (which is where I first saw it the first time), and the early two sided DVD is video generated.

Why, because 1/ it looks video generated 2/ it looks like crap 3/ it's not in sync with the sound 4/both the trailers and the "lost" TV version have a much cooler logo that in my eyes is the true logo as seen in american cinemas.

[Image: Capture-d-cran-2022-01-15-21-28-01.png]
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The HBOMax version has the "Road Warrior" title card culled off a soft and battered 35mm release print but is in true HD.

[Image: vlcsnap-2022-01-16-20h21m42s671.png]

I believe the version on the LD and R1 DVD is based on a 480i telecine from an old tape master, hence looking like rancid doggy poo.

Also worth noting that the opening credits and "Mad Max 2" title card on the old HD master is a mix of freeze frames from film. There seems to be video generated motion tracking when the Mad Max 2 text slides into place.
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So I checked out both TV versions and indeed, they do not contain the Road Warrior logo from the YT comparison video.

The guy must have taken it from the US trailer, which is the only place I have seen it I think.

[Image: MMTV.jpg]
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the answer is in the stock guys.. the current releases look nothing like the 35mm prints ive come across.
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(2024-07-19, 08:14 AM)NCseventeen Wrote: the answer is in the stock guys.. the current releases look nothing like the 35mm prints ive come across.

Can you explain further? Most print of MM2/RW are faded now given the year it was produced, so are you seeing an LPP?
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