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Well done!
It was on TV few days ago - I think they used an old master, because video was quite soft, and the colors of this upscale remind me a lot their ones...
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Looks wonderful! And from a not so lovely source being this is from the ol' flipper disc which is chock full of noise and compression and other early DVD nasties.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
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I personally think this to be interesting, myself.
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The b&w Version indeed seems very interesting.
Also seems in the screens, if this really fits well.
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
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Love noir. If Batman '89 is a noir film with an unusually happy ending, then Batman Returns is certainly a German Expressionist film starring Batman.
Interesting to see, as you point out, how the lighting of Burton really captures that aesthetic, once all the color is drained away.