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2021-03-24, 11:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-03-24, 11:51 PM by tjmackey.)
(2021-03-24, 10:47 PM)lionmane Wrote: The vast majority of them are the removal of Whedon's material and the aspect ratio/music/CG.
Snyder has made NO BONES AT ALL about the fact that NOTHING from the digitally-captured Whedon-reshoots would be used. So that's not surprising.
Instead, you're basically getting nearly everything Snyder shot on Super35 before Whedon replaced him ( in addition to the stuff with the Joker at the end he shot more recently).
Technically, the thing is being 'restored' to what it was intended to be... along with all the indulgences of not having to concede ANYTHING that could/should be cut to make for a reasonable theatrical runtime.
The basic PLOT of the movie is the same, sure. But the STORY, the TEXTURE, and the AUTHORSHIP was completely different to me (which is why I was so interested in seeing it, despite not really being a fan of Snyder's storytelling sensibilities overall).
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2021-03-24, 11:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-03-24, 11:34 PM by interaser.)
(2021-03-24, 10:47 PM)lionmane Wrote: (2021-03-24, 09:48 PM)interaser Wrote: (2021-03-24, 08:31 PM)lionmane Wrote: Here's a good example of why I don't like Snyder's work on Justice League (in addition to the previous examples I cited
man, no-one said Snyder Cut doesn't have issues, I'm just saying you can say that Theatrical cut and Snyder cut is the same movie - it's as simple as that...
If you read the IGN article I posted a few posts back (page 15?)
I think you are confusing me with someone who would read an IGN article.... IGN is a piece of garbage when it comes to Snyder cut news, do your homework....
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2021-03-24, 11:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-03-24, 11:34 PM by interaser.)
(2021-03-24, 10:47 PM)lionmane Wrote: it's the same movie except for the 10 mins of Snyder Cut at the 3.5 hour mark and the added ending scenes.
I really think you're comparing apple to bananas.
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Fifty-one years old. And I *have* read plenty of comic books. Re-watched it six times? For a total of seven? Ok, I see where the problem lies!
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(2021-03-24, 06:35 PM)lionmane Wrote: Why is there an automatic assumption that I hate Snyder? I'm just not a fan of his work. I recently learned that he did 300, too (which I also don't like.) There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the guy, but I can't say because I don't really know him.
It's beginning to occur to me that people don't like the Theatrical Release of Justice League simply because they don't like Whedon. I'm guessing this is because of the difficulties he had with what's-his-Cyborg. I haven't heard Gal Gadot complaining about him, so I'm guessing that he was just under a lot of pressure when it came to getting the Cyborg character right. Which, presumably, is much more difficult to do than your typical non-CG character. But to me, this also means that being a jerk while you're working in Snyder's shadow is more understandable now. Hmmm... Now that I think about it, nearly all of the best directors were reputed to be jerks. Cameron, Spielburg, etc.
Personally, I'm not sure if I was even aware of what happened behind the scenes when I first saw the movie. Quite possibly I wasn't even aware it was a Snyder movie and didn't even know who Joss Whedon was. I saw it and I thought it was lame and I even remember making the argument that superhero movies had just become stale, making a comparison about the lack of imagination with both DC and Marvel having a big bad guy who needs to find a bunch of items.
About him being a jerk, meh. I think that very well might just be modern Hollywood cancel culture rearing its ugly head again. I just don't think Joss is a good director, at all. And judging by some of the stuff he's put out publicly himself, I can actually imagine him being quite an annoying character, but that's neither here nor there.
Some have said Buffy and Angel were good ... I've only seen a few episodes over a decade ago on TV, so I can't say anything about that.
Edit: I'd also like to address the point of it being "just" a new aspect ratio, music and editing etc. Editing and music/sound can make all the difference between a good and a bad movie. May seem strange, but I think it's hard to argue otherwise. Just compare the bank heist scene intro. Danny Elfman's music, as much as I like his work in other movies, just makes the scene boring. The same scene in the Snyder Cut, even though many of the shots are the same, feels completely differently.
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Hahaaa yes, my whole post was a joke. You have to admit though that always getting the same actors in different roles between the universes is a bit confusing. Regarding BW and WW, the actresses have about the same acting range, which is frowning in slow-mo.
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(2021-03-25, 09:48 AM)Stamper Wrote: Hahaaa yes, my whole post was a joke. You have to admit though that always getting the same actors in different roles between the universes is a bit confusing. Regarding BW and WW, the actresses have about the same acting range, which is frowning in slow-mo.
It's off topic but if I was calling the shots in Hollywood, I'd have a fresh set of actors for every single film unless it's a film series that needs consistency. Would love to get to know new characters in every movie instead of feeling like I already know them, which is boring.
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looks like the JUSTICE IS GRAY Edition of SnyderCut is on HBOmax now!
I think it looks and feels quite nice!
The more slick and poppy cinematography Snyder went for (compared to BatSup) and the 4:3 ratio converts to black&white really nicely!
Digging what I've seen so far.
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I found this video on YouTube from a guy who watched the Snyder Cut at 0.25x speed. He was looking for easter eggs. He has a whole library of videos like this: